chapter 3

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"It's startingggg!!" She sang excitedly

Not even seconds after i farted my butt started pushing all this warm mushy poop out. Within 10 seconds I could feel it hitting the back of the diaper and then being smushed around just so more poop that wouldn't stop coming had room. All I could do was groan while logs and logs of mushy poop left me and was welcomed by the seat of my diaper. All I could do was half lay on the bed while my body pushed out the last of the poop. After a very long steady stream of poo entering my diaper it stopped. Instantly the smell hit me. It was putrid and even made me cringe my face up.

"Aww is baby all done making poopsies now? That was a lot for you to push out. Mummy is so proud of you!" She said is such a patronising tone.
I just started crying. All I was thinking was that I'm an 18 year old girl tied to the bed with my butt in the air trapped in this poopy diaper all the while sobbing with a pacifier in my mouth. If I didn't look like a baby before. I certainly did now. Next thing I knew the woman shoved a phone in my face and I realised what she was doing. My heart sank. She had been recording this whole time! And now she has put my face in the video! If this ever got out I would be ruined. She started stroking my hair and telling me stuff like "I'm so proud of you for going boom boom in your diaper" and "my baby has made a very big stinky hasn't she" all the while with her phone pointing straight at my face. She pulled her phone away and stood behind me. I then felt 2 sudden slaps on my butt which made me grimace because I could feel the poop smash all over my butt. Because of this the poop has now spread to the front of my diaper as well as the back.

"Since you've taken your punishment so well I will give you a reward my little princess."

She pulled something heavy out behind me, I could hear her dragging it on the floor to the desired spot. The woman untied me and as soon as I stood up the poop shifted in the diaper yet again. This felt so horrible. When I turned around I came face to face with an oversized rocking horse. It was your usual rustic looking rocking horse however the seat looked funny. It was like a black leather material with a bump near the horses head. I didn't even manage to ask her why she has a rocking horse before she was shoving me on it. She pushed me down onto the seat and I felt the poop smash absolutely everywhere now. She tied my feet to the bottom and tied my hands to the handles on the rocking horse. She started to rock it and all it did was remind me every second that I'm in a diaper full to the brim with poop. I could feel it all moving around inside my diaper and being mushed Into my body.

Suddenly I figured out the reason for the bump at the front of the horse. It started vibrating and due to the placement of this bump it was sat directly underneath my clit. The diapers somehow amplified the vibrations. The horse rocking made my clit hit the vibrator every second and it felt like amazing waves of pleasure going through my body. I instantly started to moan unable to keep them in.

"Ahhh ff uck. Is eels iiceeee"
Just as I can feel myself getting somewhere the vibrations stop.

"Wat, why dey sop?"
I asked desperately. All the woman did was tut at me. The vibrations started again, stronger than before and I could feel my entire body tensing up, on the edge of orgasm when the vibrations stop yet again. I let out a groan of frustration and start purposely rocking the horse more trying to just get any form of contact with my clit. It was enough for slight pleasure but not enough for an orgasm without the vibrator

"You know little one, I could let you cum right here right now...I just need 1 tiny thing from you"

I looked at her shocked and my mouth instantly came out with the words
"Anyfin, pease, I Wana cum"

"Awww well all you have to do is..... tell me that your a dirty diaper slut who just wants to make pee pee, poo poo and cummies in your diapers all day everyday because your nothing more than a diaper slut" she said slowly and with a menacing smile

My face dropped. I cant say that. I can't let her win like that. If I say that then I'm basically just asking her to do this to me everyday! I can't do it.

"Noo, can't say dat, pease, jus lemme cum. I'll bwe a good giwl"
I try to saw with the pacifier still in my mouth

"Now now baby, I've told you the rules. No cumming without saying those special words..."
I felt like my world had been crushed. The vibrations started up again, stronger than ever and it didn't take me long to get to the edge again, I was rocking the horse for any form of sensations and just then I could feel the intense pleasure seep into my clit when the vibrations ceased. My clit was desperate, it needed to cum, I needed to cum. This happened another 8 or so times. I'd get to the very precipice of orgasm when it would shut off. My entire body felt heavy and I just needed to cum. I looked down to the floor and said
"Mm youw diwty diaper slut who jus wan make peepee and poopoo Nd cummies in my dipers awl day evewyday becuz m nothin mowe than a diaper swut"

"I knew you were just my filthy little diaper slut. Don't worry you look so pretty sat there making yourself cum in a  diaper filled with your own pee and poo."

I felt humiliated. In seconds though the vibrations turned on, on the highest setting and it only took a mere few seconds to get me to that edge I was longing to fall off. At this point I'm a moaning mess. I was drooling from mouth, my eyes were crossed and I finally managed to cum. My back arched and my face looked up to the roof of the room. This felt like the best orgasm I'd had in months and that concerned me since it was forced and while I was in a soiled and very full diaper. Just like the little diaper slut I admitted I wanted to be mere minutes ago...

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