a messed up end of the world 1.

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It can be caused by several things.
However, something is always a common factor and it is always there when this conclusion breaks out... that is, rather someone.

"Crowley," said Aziraphale in his sweet voice.
The demon looked up at his angel with questioning eyes.

"Do you think it will always be like this?" he asked after a little hesitation.

The demon didn't understand what Aziraphale was referring to, so he moved away from him for a moment and as if they hadn't hugged before, the silence that followed after Crowley walked away became a bit awkward situation.

He walked around the white corridor and tried to bring his thoughts back to reality, where the storm was raging and wanted to sweep the two divine creatures one by one.

"Angel..." he finally began.

Aziraphale, having been watching his demon the whole time, was there in the blink of an eye.

"I think I screwed it up."he sighed, scratching his head. "I'm the only one who knows how to screw things up like that, just like that day..." his eyes suddenly filled with tears.

The angel immediately reached for the demon's face to wipe away the tears he saw.

Crowley, on the other hand, pulled his head away and slammed his fist into a column - which had suddenly grown there. It split apart with a huge sound and the white column fell in black pieces onto the white corridor.

"How is this possible?" asked the surprised angel. Crowley just shrugged in response.

"Listen Crowley, it wasn't your fault. Mine, but mostly Metatron's."he began, moving closer and closer to the demon.

Crowley finally looked up, but there was sadness in his eyes and hatred towards himself.

"You can't take back what you said then, but what I said was..."the angel suddenly didn't know what to say to express himself, but Crowley had an answer for that.

"It wounded my heart..." finished the angel's sentence with the bitter truth.

Crowley was truly heartbroken that day.
He didn't know what Aziraphale's intention was when he said "I forgive you", but he was sure that it hurt him, as if he had been stabbed with a thousand needles.

Although that is nothing to a demon, the words still have meaning. And Crowley that day really felt like a man with a sensitive heart who just had his heart broken by the love of his life.

He thought those words were unforgivable, yet now he is standing in front of his angel and he couldn't think of anything else but to hold him in his arms and kiss him again and again until the world ends.

Of course, he could not have known that this thought would soon come true.

The end of the world was near, and it was coming very fast...

"Crowley, forgive me." was all he said in the end.

He didn't cover his eyes, they were swollen from crying and it was impossible to stop those tears.

Crowley realized that this thinking would not go too far, it would only cause more wounds in the relationship between the two of them, so he wrapped his beloved in his arms very tightly.

"Please don't cry."he sniffed.

Crowley was not the type to cry in public, but whenever he found Aziraphale sad, he grieved with him. Like when the bookshop burned down.

Crowley told Aziraphale that the whole bookshop was lost, but he was more interested in the fact that his friend was almost dead too, believing him to be dead.

He was so relieved when he heard his voice and it turned out that he had managed to save the book that his angel wanted so much.

The bond between the two of them can never be taken away from them. They have grown together to such an extent since the beginning of time that it didn't mean anything that they were without each other for a few months.

Happiness surrounded them even if it was painful to return and forgive the other, but they were happy because they were finally together.

Crowley knew what Aziraphale was asking about whether 'it would always be like this'. He knew he was implying that Hell and Heaven would always stand between them. Especially since Metatron was right in the middle.

They didn't know about God, only about Metatron. It was the most interesting and strange about it. Aziraphale wanted to talk to his God so many times to ask for advice or just have a small talk with her, but he didn't get the chance because God never answered.

Although Metatron was always at hand as the man of God through whom the Big Boss communicates, the fact that she could never be seen led to questioning things.

Maybe that's why Crowley fell?

So many unanswered questions and so many lost souls, they will burn in the fires of Hell until the end of time.

Although the apocalypse has always threatened humans, this time unfortunately it also affected Heaven and Hell.

And this, somewhere up there in a small room that belonged only to her and from where she ruled the entire universe, the big boss saw this too.

She was sitting in her white cloak sipping Tea! sipping as she flipped through The Big Book.
The book of life and death.

"Aziraphale." she read the name, then suddenly her eyes caught on something.

"Crowley," she yalled.

The little white room trembled in the stand.
And this was perceived not only inside the room, but also by the angels outside.

It was far away where these two lovers, drenched in tears, grabbed each other for a hug, but they also heard that quiet but interesting murmur.

And that could only mean one thing.
It was trouble at its best!

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