unfathomable stroke of fate

37 1 19

Aziraphale came down to Earth so quickly that the whole world trembled. The elevator leading down from Heaven went completely crazy when the angry angel pushed them all in his anger.

He had no idea what could have happened, but he knew for sure that Crowley had a hand in it. He didn't want to meet him after so many months because it would be pretty cheesy, but he was simply forced to.

However, the elevator stopped not on Earth, but between Earth and Hell. In the middle of literally nowhere. It was a big problem!

Meanwhile, the unsuspecting Crowley was petting his sweet angel and looking at the sleeping Aziraphale as calmly as possible.

But this intoxicating moment soon ended, when a demon appeared at the door of the bookshop.
"Crowley!!!" he yelled, then introduced himself into the shop. He walked all the way to where the angel and the demon were lying and yelled again.


While Aziraphale was oblivious to pressing the elevator buttons one by one, Crowley broke off his sweet relationship and realized that he was in as much trouble as ever.

Sathanus took Shax's place. He personally went up for Crowley, which was a huge bummer. Sathanus wasn't a typical benevolent demon, he wasn't called Anger for nothing. He couldn't solve his problems without yelling, which is why he was a good leader of Hell.

In truth, Crowley had been living his daily life for the past few months, but without Aziraphale, those days were pretty much nothing. But when he saw a chance to make amends - but unfortunately not in now - he took the opportunity and seized it. He wanted Aziraphale like a morsel of bread, but he acted without thinking and not only did he make a big mistake in the middle of the world, but he also cheated the real Aziraphale, so to speak. Although this is not exactly the kind of cheating that would be such a big problem for them, because they weren't even together after all, even if this turns out, the trust that existed between the two of them a long, long time ago will be very shaken.

Crowley became aware of his guilt and, although his heart ached, he had to leave his perfect relationship with the past Aziraphale in the past. He followed Sathanus to the elevator with his head down.

"What the hell happend to this?" he asked, pressing the down button in front of the elevator door for the third time.

Crowley was too nervous to think, biting his nails. The only thing on his mind was to explain this to the real Aziraphale, because he had made a huge mistake in every respect.

Satisfied with the wait, Sathanus turned back.
"Crowley, use that super power of yours and take us down to Hell, right now!" he ordered, not sparing the poor desperate demon.

Aziraphale was about to call for help when he heard a familiar ringing voice.

"Muriel."he sighed. The elevator door creaked open, the little angel appeared brightly and looked longingly at Aziraphale, who was leaving.

"Archangel Aziraphale."she chirped.
The angel looked down at Muriel blankly, he didn't feel like it right now, but since he had more important things to do than ever, he had to ask something.

"What the hell happened to Crowley?"
He didn't like swearing, it wasn't good for him, but he got away with it.

Muriel looked at him in awe, at the poor disintegrated man, who was downright jubilant with rage. Never see Aziraphale so angry!

Crowley and Sathanus were already in Hell when a huge light engulfed the black, hideous, smoky place. Shocked, they stopped and watched the events. Soon the light disappeared and only a small box fell to the ground.

6000 years until againWhere stories live. Discover now