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I'm moderately awake. Not really but I'm conscious, and I hear somebody outside my door. " Ainsley are you awake? " I hear my little brother Jayson in my room and I immediately sit up looking like I've been awake for hours. " yeah jay whats up? " he comes and sits on my bed and looks like upset and tired. " i know im too big to have sleepovers with you and that's a little kid thing but I can't sleep and i don't wanna wake mom or dad " what about wyliam tho? It's okay because he's a little cutie patootie.

" okay, so what do you want to do? You wanna take a melatonin gummy and I'll spray the lavender spray on your pillow? " I stand up and tuck some hair behind my ear, tugging my hoochie mama sleep shorts down. " yeah, and can I borrow your night light? I'm having one of those nights where everything is scaring me " he sits cross cross on my bed and my cat jumps onto his lap. his name is bush's baked beans, legally- but he's just called beans. " did you watch something to scare you? " I raise my eyebrows and look at him, digging in my medical drawer that I keep locked and the key goes in another drawer.

A maybe slips from his mouth and I creep down the stairs to get a cup of water for Jayson. He doesn't dye his hair so he's got wavy red hair he has me straighten. " Annie, Why are you up? " I look out the door to the kitchen and there's my brother digging in our snack drawer. " Jayson couldn't sleep so I'm giving him some melatonin and water to help him sleep " I shut the water off in the bathroom and go up the steps that shock my feet from carpeted floor to go to my room. " wyliam hurry up your going to wake your parents, hey sully. " I wave to rafe and look down the hall into my brothers room and there's two heads peeking out.

I look back over at my brother and he's shushing me without making sound and tiptoes over to the stairs but I'm already in my room by now. My brother is passed out on my bed with my cat purring by his head.i  half-shut the the door, the cat door swings a little and it almost wakes Jayson. I cover him with one of my thin blankets and head back down the stairs and out the screen door for a little fresh air. I go to sit on the patio furniture in the backyard and see someone had the same idea.

" oh hey " I'm trying to make out the face since apparently we had a party in my brothers room at 11 o'clock. " hey.. Rafe? " he nods and I sit in the chair across from him. " Jayson's out cold on my bed right now " I sit up and reach up under the table until I feel the metal hit my hand. I pull it out and take a hard hit. " those things kill you, you know that right? " I put my pen down and look over at him, a little shocked. " it's a dab cart, I don't vape. Not in the market for dying before I turn 40. Unlike my brother. " I pass it to him and he looks at it before unexpectedly pulling a drag off it.

" damn, I didn't think you would hit off it " he passing it over to me before breathing through his teeth. " yeah well if I think I'm actually going to put up with those little fuckers. I might need it. " I tell him that it may make him kind of tired but if he feels like tripping balls I hid my shroomies in the baking cupboard. " why did you even hide this stuff in the first place? And I know you have bud so where did that go? " I take another drag off my pen before standing up. " I smoked it all before I hid this stuff, mom went through my shit to see if I had any. Hence why my pen was under the glass patio table. " I stuff my pen into my bra before heading inside and going to the baking cupboard for my shrooms.

I see beans heading into Jayson's room across from wyls and I poke my head in. He's plugging in my night light " hey little buddy, go lay in bed and I'll get you set up. " I plug the light in next to his door and it gives a glimmer through his room, I spray his blanket and stuffed animals with my lavender pillow spray he took down with him. He drinks some water and I halfway close his door. I walk into my brothers room, turn the light on and there's four boys sitting around his room. A tinge of mango in the air. " hey, I just got Jayson to bed make sure to keep it down in here, don't tell mom or dad he was up tonight though...And put that fucking shit away I can smell it down the hall." I lie a little on the last part but I turn the light off and shut his door, I hear his window crack and whispers come from the room.

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