Unveiling Truths

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AN: I have now reached 11k reads on my story. Even with my hiatus, thank you all who stayed.

Rias Gremory

Rumors are a fickle thing, she admits. Some can either be at best, exaggeration of events or information or at worst, an outright lie. Nevertheless, it's her job to look out for the people of Kuoh from the shadows, dealing with whatever threats or oddities that invade her town.

Having increased surveillance did the trick. To the normal people, they would've been mere familiars indistinguishable from regular animals, only tailored to their commands. She only made sure to have her little flying creatures patrol the streets only and nothing else, unless something or someone is doing something suspicious. They may be devils yes, but a sense of privacy is something not even they would want to breach.

The reports came back soon enough. A girl with blonde hair healing Issei. There's only one Sacred Gear that's capable of such a magical feat.

Twilight Healing. As the name implies, it's not an offensive Sacred Gear, but one revolving around healing injuries, able to heal almost any injury as the user desires.

Asia Argento is the girl's name. A girl with boundless kindness if she was willing to heal a human that's not a part of the supernatural.

It's best to have an eye kept on her for now, but make no sudden moves. The fact that she's a nun wouldn't do her any favors in recruiting her, especially since she may not want to be reincarnated as someone that she's taught to hate.

Issei's reaction was unexpected, albeit more muted than what she thought. Some surprise was inevitable, but when humans are exposed to something supernatural, they would be more likely drop their jaw in shock. Well, it helps that she healed him instead of trying to burn him alive or freeze him, so it's not likely he'll go on a meltdown.

Though, Dante's reaction is something she didn't expect. He remained calm, even amused at the sight of her powers at work. That shows confirmation of his association with the supernatural, or at least has seen enough of it not to be fazed.

It really doesn't take long for her to figure it out. In hindsight, she felt like an idiot for taking this long to figure it out. Sure, Kuoh is no stranger for being a hubbub of supernatural activity such as the occasional stray devil or some wannabe trying to upend their rule, but ever since Dante came into the picture, there's these increase in reports about property damage in some of the more dilapidated and older areas of the town and warehouses.

There's also the possible fact that he has a kin of his own. She saw the video of him performing at the stage in Kyoto with the violin. She'll give him credit where it's due as he can masterfully play the instrument much like how a professional chef uses each ingredient required with the utmost precision.

Then there's the concern about what happened with one of Kyoto's oldest shrines, Kamigamo Jinja.

Like all high-profiled figures of the supernatural, she knows of the Yokai. They're a reclusive faction, content to keep to themselves.

Except, that's the problem. From what she's gathered, that shrine's been corrupted for quite some time now, the seal that once kept out its malice now broken.

Yet, when Dante and his twin (most likely considering their nigh-identical appearance) went to Kyoto, she's gotten word of how the shrine is now cleansed of corruption.

It doesn't take long to put two and two together. They're involved with it somehow, but they have no concrete evidence, only circumstantial ones.

Fortunately, Koneko's being sent on a little recon to...investigate this other person, and bring him in.

She's seen the pictures, as well as how much her elder brother practically fanboys over Sparda himself. He's spoken highly of the demon, someone who slaughtered armies by the dozen all on his own.

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