New Year, New Party

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AN: Okay, this took much longer than I thought. I lost interest and took a break on the franchise for a while, and IRL kept me separate for a while. At least now I'm back (for the most part). Sorry for the wait, everyone.

Remember when I said that the band girls are on Season 2? Yeah, I decided to have them back on Season 1, because the girls at this time have still yet to undergo character development. Meaning it's only the original 5 that'll show up for now, and if anyone from Season 2 or 3 may appear, it'll obviously be them, but still younger. I'm also going to edit some of my older chapters too, and make some changes here and there.

Chisato Shirasagi sighs as she's looking at her phone.

"Where is it?" She gracefully, yet hurriedly looks around for the train she was supposed to go to. She just recently went to a movie studio where she was filmed and just finished. The blond actress is supposed to head back to CiRCLE and talk with her band for making preparations in the festival that's about to come up. It's been a miracle that she's never been late despite her ability to get lost in the station rivaling that of Kanon.

Hearing her phone ring, she looks down and sees a text from Aya.

Aya: Chisato, where are you?

Eve: I believe she's at the train station right now.

Hina: That's so her! Remember when she couldn't even find where the exit's located?

Maya: Please don't be rude, Hina.

A tick mark appears on her forehead as she imagines the teal-haired girl laughing at her plight. While she genuinely enjoys Hina's contribution's to the band, her bluntness leaves something to be desired.

Chisato: I'll be there soon, just had some difficulties is all.

When she walks by, the faces of some people immediately lighten up in recognition, with some trying to take out a pen and paper so she can sign autographs. Normally, she would've indulged her fans, right now isn't the time and she's in a hurry.

Fortunately, fate was on her side this time as she finds the train station she was looking for, her violet eyes widen in relief as she rushes into the door just as it was about to close, walking a little faster which her footwear allowed her to.

Upon finding a place to sit, she breathes out and lets a small smile grace her lips, happy that her luck has lasted this long. Recollecting herself, she looks up and sees everyone around her looking towards her in wonder and awe.

"Does anyone want an autograph?"

Minutes Later...

It unsurprisingly didn't take long for people to start whipping out pens, pencils or whatever else they used to write along with a piece of paper.

Left and right she signed her signature onto each and every one, to which she received a heartfelt thanks from each one. Most of the people wanting autographs were from her age, although there were some that were kids and a few others that were adults who genuinely appreciated her work in the industry.

Thankfully, none of them even bothered mentioning their first failure of a concert, as fans or even those that are neutral to them believed that the band has redeemed themselves many times over.

Chisato massages her right wrist as she just signed the last autograph. Fortunately, years of having to constantly do this helped her hands get used to it, although sometimes the sheer number of them can be rather overwhelming at times.

"At least everyone was satisfied." Setting her phone down, Chisato's eyes momentarily find themselves looking at the various New Year's decorations around the train.

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