Chapter 13: Cell Next Door

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*Min's POV*

'What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do?'

I paced back and forth in my room. I tried to think of what to do. 'If I tell Dad what happened, he's going to kill me and Naruto. But Naruto could be in real trouble if I don't tell Dad.'


I dropped to my floor and groaned. 'I have to go. I just have to! If I never hid those letters then Naru wouldn't have left. I have to go and help him.'

I made up my mind.

I pack my bag full of bandages, weapons, emergency flares, rope, food, and water. I grabbed my mask from the counter and put it on. I switched my training shoes to my sneakers.

I paused as I stared into space. 'I need clean underwear.'

Saving you from having to hear the detailed step-by-step of that situation, I take a breath and open my door.

"Going somewhere~?"


I stared at the door I slammed, not knowing why I did it. How am I going to leave with Dad there? How am I going to explain this stuff to him? How will I tell him Naruto left!?

I decided it was to just avoid the encounter by going out the window but when I turned my heart only raced more.

"So...? You're not gonna tell me what's been going on?"

Dad sat on my bed, criss-cross-applesauce, with his arm propped up by his thigh, holding his cheek. I stared at him, sweat running down my face.

'I can't tell him. Naruto may be coming back after cooling down. All of this may blow over. Everything could be fine. I don't have to tell Dad. We don't have to get in trouble. Not this time.'

'This stuff.' I look back at my backpack. 'How will I explain to him why his 9-year-old son has a backpack bigger than his mirror, looking like he's about to travel the world to "Find himself"? '


'I'm playing hide and seek with Naruto!' That's what was supposed to be coming out. Me and Naruto would play hide and seek when we were younger, hiding in spots most kids our age couldn't reach.

It would be the best excuse, maybe enough to fool Kakashi Hatake. Or maybe it's just enough so his lazy attribute kicks in and he doesn't want to know anymore.

I could go and get Naruto and bring him back and we would be fine. ...Unless he's hurt or he was captured. Dad told us we could be captured because we were jinchuriki. And other villages don't treat jinchuriki very well. What would they do to Naruto? What would they do to me?

'Hide and seek. Hide and seek!' These words kept ringing in my ear. These were the words that would save me from Naruto's wrath. The last thing he wanted was to get in trouble.

But alas, these words did not come out of my mouth.

"I told Naruto about the letters and he got mad at me because he didn't know that a person from his mom's side of the family was here in the village and that they could've told them about his eyes and why they changed. So he left and went to the Hokage's tower and when I tried to go after him he got mad and unleashed a bit of the Nine-Tails and I froze so he left and I didn't know what to do so I came home to get supplies to get him back but there's a chance we wouldn't come back and they would lock us up or an enemy would attack and you would never see us AGAINNNNNNNN!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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