Chapter 2: Another Hatake

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Minato's POV

I have never experienced something like this. I can't help but feel that there was more I could do. I wasn't around when Rin or Obito were killed but, I've always felt like there was something I could have done.

"Lord Fourth."

I was shaken from my thoughts as the doctor from earlier stood in front of me. My heart raced once again as I ran to him. 

"Is the baby, okay? Did they make it?"

The doctor was shocked for a moment, then he smiled. "Yes, he is okay. Right this way."

I smiled a slightly saddened smile as I followed the man down the hall and into a room. There was a small cradle under a light in this dim room. 

As I walked to the cradle, my first sight was the hair of the child. Light gray colored hair that flourished over a side of his face since he was turned on his side. He also had his arm across his face, so the bottom half of his face was unseen. 

My mind was only focus on one thing and I was going to get that answer. I turned to the doctor in the doorway as he seemed to read my face.

"I want a DNA test done on this child ASAP."

"Y-Yes sir. Right away!" He yelled as he ran to another room. I looked to the right of me as two Anbu appeared by my side. 

"Get Kakashi Hatake."


Kakashi's POV

I was lying in bed trying to get what Kotetsu said from my head. 'That guy is an idiot.'

I sat in bed and groaned. I walked to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I put my face in the sink and I washed it. As my face was in the sink, I had an urge to cover my bottom face with my hand. When I sat back up, in the mirror was an Anbu. 

"Loud Fourth has requested to see you."

I nodded as he disappeared. 

'Guess I gotta go see what sensei wants.'


I was told to come to the hospital for some reason. As I entered, nurses and doctors were running everywhere and seemed to enter this one room every now and again. I inferred that it was where I was needed. 

As I walked into the room, I saw Minato-sensei sitting to the right of this baby crib, rocking it lightly as a doctor was reaching inside.

'Oh, no! Don't tell me he actually!'

"Kakashi!" He yelled my name as he stared intensely.

I bowed in respect. "Lord Fourth." Minato-sensei nodded for the doctor to take his leave as he smiled on his way out. I eye-smiled back and he closed the door. When I was sure no one was around, I spoke.

"What is this about sensei?" I looked around the room. "Where is that girl, Kotetsu and Izumo found?"

I watched as my sensei's face dropped as he looked in the crib. "She didn't make it." My eyes fell as well. I knew how hard sensei took a lost life, whether he knew them personally or not.

"She could've have been saved but..." He looked into the crib again.

"But what?" I knew there had to be another side to this. If there was any way he could have saved a life, he would take it.

He looked at me. "She wanted us to save her child," 

'So that's what the crib is for?' 

"She died because the pregnancy gave the nutrition to her child than her."

I sighed and rubbed my aching head. "So, what are you going to do with the child?"

"I was going to have him live in the orphanage until he was up in age."

"Well then why aren't you?"

"Because we did a DNA test on him."

I tilted my head in confusion. "What does that have to do with anything? The girl couldn't possibly be from the leaf so he wouldn't have any family here."

"I thought so as well." He stood up. "That is, until I saw the resemblance of the child and his father."

I looked even more confused as Minato sensei stood with his back turned to me as he looked into the baby crib. I wanted to know what he meant. I walked to the crib and stared at the small child in it.

"Seems like we have another Hatake on our hands."

(To Be Continued)



"W-what... can't be." I sputtered.

"I thought so too. But the DNA test proved me wrong. You are the father of this child Kakashi."

I stared back into the crib. "But how?"

"I don't know! I was gone for a few days hoping to get Kushina pregnant and I come back to found out you have a kid of your own."

I blushed bright pink and looked at my smirking sensei. "But I don't recall getting a girl pregnant and you know I don't how?"

"Do you remember a girl with black hair and blue eyes?"

I thought for some time. "No, I don't."

He sighed then went to the window. "So, what are you going to do? Putting him in the orphanage isn't out of the picture."

I looked at the child in the crib. My son, so helpless and innocent. I had my father in a part of my life and the second he was gone, I turned into a depressed mess. So...

"I'm keeping him." 

Sensei turned to me with shocked eyes. "Are you sure about this Kakashi? Taking care of a child is no easy task."

I smirked. "How would you know sensei? You don't have a kid."

His face flared red. "I would've had one of the way by now, but I had to come back to see about your kid!"

I chuckled as he continued his ranting and turned to the crib again. I slowly reached in and picked up my son. 

Minato's POV

I looked at my student as his eyes twinkled while holding his son. Even with the mask on, I saw a real genuine smile on his face.

After a quiet moment or two, the baby's arm fell, revealing his face. But only to Kakashi, not me. 

'Like father, like son.' 

"So, what will you name him?" I asked. Kakashi looked at me with a very curious face then he seemed to get an idea.

"It's a name from one of the books I got from Jiraya-sensei."

My face turned bright red as I yelled. "NO, NO, NO! You will not name your child a name from those pervy books you read!" I shook my head in my hands. "I don't know why he gave you some for your birthday."

Kakashi face turned a color that put mines to shame. "THATS NOT WHAT I MEANT!"

He rocked his son because he moved with his yelling. "I meant the other book he made. The one of the hero overcoming hardships."

He looked back at his son as I took a breath of relief. 

"His Naruto."

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