○◇ Chapter 11 ◇○

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Monty worked to clean up Roxanne's eyes. The wolf was relieved to finally see somewhat clearly again.

"So now how are we gonna find Freddy and Gregory?" Monty asked.

Roxanne winced in pain. "I-I don't know... I was hoping they were with you."

Chica continued holding the wolf's paw and doing her best to comfort her. Cassandra stared off into the sea.

The dock was long and expansive, but up ahead, she could see sunlight and the open sea at the end of the tunnel. Their journey would finally come to an end soon.

She could not wait to go back home and relax in her bed again. She wanted so badly to rest.

Once Roxanne's vision cleared, they began their trek towards the dock. The girl remembered the barrier and placed the mask on.

"Gregory! I'm here, where are you?!"

"... I'm below the docks! Hurry!" He finally responded back.

The others glanced around in confusion now that they heard the boy's voice. They thought for certain that Cassie was imagining it.

The pup hurried towards the rocky shore. She menuvered down the jagged stones and under the wooden pillars. The ocean wind blew hard at her, and the waves were nearly crashing into her, but she persisted.

When she made it, she was met with a wall of stone.

"Gregory?? I thought you said you were down here!" She accused, ripping her mask off.

"I am! I'm behind the rocks. You have to move them for me!" His voice became more distorted.

The girl glanced to the three adults for help in moving the stones, which they reluctantly agreed to.

Monty was the strongest, so they were doing most of the work, but Roxanne was helping. Chica stayed by the girl and watched.

After what felt like hours of pulling stones away, they finally saw an entrance on the other side.

"Cassie! You're so close! Hurry!" Gregory motivated.

The others finally cleared the way. The remaining rocks rolled out of the way.

Cassie excitedly expected to see Gregory, but instead, there was darkness.


A pair of bright amber eyes flashed in the darkness.

The girl felt her heart drop. "Who...who are you?! You're not Gregory!"

"I... I'm... Gregory..." The distorted voice claimed, advancing on her.

Roxanne stepped in to block the girl, shoving the monster away.

"Cassie, run!" She ordered.

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