Chapter 7: Insecure

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Sophie's POV:

That day, a happiness I had never known washed over me. It was remarkable and a bit unnerving how quickly I had grown to feel comfortable with Evelyn and Ian, considering we had only met the day before. Their unwavering efforts to create a sense of safety and belonging enveloped me, making it hard to maintain the walls I had built around myself.

Deep down, I harbored a lingering fear of being returned to my previous life. I vividly remember an incident when I was fifteen: I got lost during a hospital visit and was mistakenly taken home by a family who thought I was much younger. When I revealed my actual age, a nightmare ensued, an ordeal so harrowing that it left deep scars, too painful to revisit in thought or conversation.

My father intervened just in time, as he himself said, but the trauma of that experience stayed with me. The constant fear that he might reappear, reclaiming me into that life of dread, cast a long shadow over my newfound safety. Despite this, spending a whole day without any sign of him gradually instilled in me a fragile sense of security, a sliver of hope that perhaps, just maybe, I was finally safe from his reach.

My father had always hidden me away, fearful that my very existence could disrupt his life. The only ray of light in my constrained world was the annual conversation with my aunt on my birthday. Those brief moments were what I lived for. Then she told me something forbidden – that I had the power to destroy my father's life. Before she could elaborate, they took her away, and from my 14th birthday onwards, she vanished from my life.

Now, stepping into the hotel room that Evelyn and Ian had chosen, a sense of calm enveloped me despite every instinct screaming at me to be wary, to not trust too easily, a part of me yearned to bask in the happiness of these fleeting moments. I wanted to embrace these feelings, to store them away as treasures in my heart. If things turned bleak later, I would at least have these pockets of joy to cling to. It was a delicate thread of hope, but in that instant, it warmed me from within, offering a gentle solace I had never dared to hope for.

The hotel room felt like a vast playground to me, and I couldn't help but run around, exploring every corner. The joy of freedom, the thrill of new surroundings, and the absence of fear made me feel more alive than I had in a long time. Evelyn watched me with a tender smile, remarking to Ian, "She's so cute, isn't she? And in such a good mood."

Hearing her words, warmth spread through my heart. I rushed over to them, impulsively throwing my arms around them in a hug. As I wrapped my arms around Evelyn and Ian in a grateful embrace, the warmth of their return hug enveloped me. I struggled to find the words to express my gratitude, my English still broken but earnest. "Thank you, thank you," I stuttered out, my voice tinged with emotion. "For everything you have done for me."

Ian gently pulled back to look at me, his eyes brimming with kindness. "Sophie, we're just happy to have you with us," he said softly. "You've brought so much joy into our lives in such a short time."

Evelyn nodded in agreement, her hand gently stroking my hair. "Yes, Sophie. We want you to feel safe and loved here. You're part of our family now," she added, her voice warm and reassuring.

I felt a surge of emotions at their words. "I scared... before. Now, feel... safe. Happy," I managed to say, my heart feeling both heavy and light. It was difficult to put into words the years of loneliness and fear, and the newfound sense of belonging.

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