Remains of PAST

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Next day, Aarohi woke up and looked at the clock hanging on the wall,. it was "8:30"

"Oh no", she exclaimed and rushed to the bathroom. After having a refreshing a shower she came back and stood before the mirror combing her hair, "how lazy I am. I've to get ready and have to make ruhi get ready. How could you be so irresponsible aarohi", aarohi taunted herself. In a hurry she dropped her hand cream, "calm down matashree. I made ruhi get ready and sent her to school" abhimanyu said placing the hand cream on the table and looked at her through the mirror.

"How did you manage everything alone?" Aarohi asked even though she knew abhimanyu would take her of ruhi.

"When you were on the hospital bed, I managed ruhi in the same way.," he paused and continued, "How are you, wait let me check " he said and was about to touch her feet.

"I am fine abhimanyu and......." before she could complete he held her shoulders and made her sit on the bed. He kneeled down and checked her foot.

"Now it's better but you've to take rest today" abhimanyu placed down her leg carefully.

"But hospital.... " aarohi interrupted.

"I'll take care of everything. You just relax" he stood up, and continued "and one more thing you don't go anywhere just stay in this room. Bye" Abhimanyu went to hospital.

Aarohi went to goenka house without informing to anybody.

"Akshara," aarohi shouted. "I want to speak to you," she said and walked upstairs. Akshara followed her, "What happened aaru? why are you shouting?" Akshara asked while entering into the room. She stood before aarohi, by looking at her aarohi's anger raised, she was about to slap to akshara but she didn't slap.

"Why didn't you inform us about your pregnancy? Why didn't you say abhir was abhimanyu's son? It's all your stupidity. Because of you my rooh will suffer" aarohi bashed at akshara.

"I had tried to inform but he didn't listen" akshara defended.

"Ok, he didn't listen leave it but atleast you could have returned back to udaipur but you didn't or else atleast you could told to bade papa  but no. You were on your own decision" aarohi said.

"So you are blaming me again" akshara pointed out.

"Absolutely yes, if you would have stayed back in udaipur abhimanyu would have knew his child was alive and he could be happy mentally.  If abhimanyu knows about abhir's truth then he will definitely leave my rooh" aarohi said faintly.

"Why are you thinking negatively aarohi?" akshara asked holding her shoulders.

"Because I know him I've seen him from past 6 years" aarohi said.

"You are saying, you've seen him from past 6 years then didn't you see his unconditional love for ruhi" akshara said.

"But if he knows the truth he will definitely ask for his right then what will you do akshara", aarohi questioned.

"I don't know but I will definitely won't let him snatch my abhir and aaru, please promise me that you won't tell him the truth" akshara said.

"If I wanted to tell him, I would have told him yesterday itself..." Aarohi mobile starts to ring. Aarohi gets shocked looking at the caller id, she answers and puts the call on speaker.,

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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