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Artist: Sketchy Sketchy Boom Boom on Tumblr (hopefully- google isn't too trustful.)

Third Person

May 8th, 2004

"Will? Dad hasn't come back in hours." Techno mumbles walking down the stairs in his matching crowns pajama set. "He... he left us for good. Mum's death- it... it destroyed him."

Techno's face went pale as he looked at his older brother in fear. "What? It's just us three now?" Wilbur looked back at him scared, how had he forgotten about their newest youngest brother?

"How do you take care of a month old at only eight and five.." Wilbur cried into his hands. "We need money for food, and money comes from jobs." Techno mumbles, "Tommy is going to need more care than we can do. I'm only in elementary— oh god— how am I going to get to school? Or you to daycare? Mum or Dad would drive us."

The two eldest brothers sat on the couch for what felt like hours, before the sound of crying interrupted their thoughts. "Tom!" Wilbur yelped and ran up the stairs to the baby's bedroom.

"It's okay Tommy, it's okay, I'm here. Your brother is here. Big bro Will's here." He whispered rocking the baby in his arms. Techno soon followed up, "Hungry?" Wilbur shook his head, Phil had fed Tommy before he left them. They both looked at each other then back to the crying baby. "Diaper.." they mumbled out in disgust at the idea.

Slowly but surely, Wilbur got the diaper changed and Tommy back to sleep. And they had been officially alone without both of their parents for hours now. "We could call one of Dad's friends..." Techno whispers as Tommy sleep babbles as Wilbur gently rocks the crib to settle him softly.

"Could we trust them entirely? I mean dad left us." Wilbur says uncertain. "Missa would help... he has Chayanne and Talulah who are younger than me." Techno says and Wilbur nods slowly. "And he has a job." Wilbur thinks in his mind, he didn't want to have to need help but he couldn't do this without money.

The two brothers walk back downstairs and into the kitchen, "Good thing dad is so old fashioned and kept a phone book for people we know." Wilbur says with a light laugh and opens up the book looking for M names.

"There!" Techno calls out pointing to it. "Missa! There we go, can you grab my phone from the coffee table?" Wilbur asks as Techno runs over to the open living room.

Wilbur dials in the number and calls Missa, "¿Hola, Quien es?" Missa responds with. "Uh Hi Missa.. it's Wilbur, Phil's oldest son. I um I need to ask you some questions." Wilbur asked nervously fidgeting with the page of the phone book. He had forgotten that Missa spoke Spanish, it startled the young boy quite a bit.

"Sorry bud, I wasn't expecting a call from you, but what's going on niñotito?" Missa responds, "So Dad um... well that's something I don't want to talk about right now, so me and Techno need to help take care of Tommy but need some tips. He's only a month old..." Wilbur says into the phone stepping off his stool and walks to the couch with Techno shortly behind.

The call was silent for a second, "I'll stop by with Chayanne and Talulah to talk with you both once it's light out, and help you two. How does that sound?" Missa says and Wilbur looks at Techno but sighs. "That would be... helpful. Thank you Missa.." He says and ends the call. 

"What's going on?" Techno asks as Wilbur puts his phone down. "Missa is going to come by with Chayanne and Talulah to help us with Tommy." Wilbur says and sighs, he hadn't slept all night. "It's your nap time isn't it Tech?" Techno looks away but nods in denial that he needed naps still only being five. 

Wilbur smiles at his little brother, "Go take your nap Tech, I'm going to make sandwiches for breakfast and also figure out how to make formula for Tommy because he'll need to eat again soon probably." He says as Techno runs back upstairs to his room and Wilbur heads to the kitchen with confidence. 

Word count: 695

Left Behind But Not Alone -DISCONTINUED-Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang