A car stopped so close to Me and so fast that for a second I thought it was going to hit me. The window rolls down.

" When you see a car coming towards you. You take a step back unless you want to die. " He yells at Me.

" You should not cross the speed limit. " I say. I don't want to talk. I want to go back to the safety of the Penthouse and never come out.

" Come, hop in instead of being a traffic policeman. " He says.

" Woman. " I say stopping him.

" Haa Haa bas. Woman. Lady. Fine. Now get in. " He says.

" Not today Ryan. " I say taking a step back. He gets out of the car and opens the passenger seat door for me.

" You can go back to your Rapunzel tower and look at the majestic view later. " He says making a puppy face and I get in without making a scene letting him drive wherever he is taking Me.

He keeps on talking the entire way and I don't say anything. " Shivanya it feels like I am talking to your ghost, say anything, talk to people around. And leave that damn tower. " He says and I only end up frustrating him with my lack of response.

He stops in the parking lot of a multi-story restaurant and takes the elevator one floor up. We take a seat near the table and he orders for both of us.

This time I try to focus on our conversation. You can't call it one when only one is speaking.

The hair on my neck rises. I take a deep breath in an attempt to survive. I turn around but he isn't here. I think I will go mad at this rate.

" What happened Rising Start? " Ryan says holding my hand.

" Don't call me that. " I say fighting a losing battle, his words now sound like a taunt when my career is going down.

My heartbeat only ends up rising as my eyes collide with the eyes filled with rage and something more. Rudra.

He gets up when he sees I have seen him now. Walking with his fist clenched. Even without his coat and vest he still makes every eye turn in his direction. He Doesn't need a business attire to scream power he walks like he owns the damn place. The beard on his face makes it more difficult for me to look away.

My gaze looking at him, having my fill. Like I am starved.

He stops next to Me and I look up not breaking his gaze. His scent engulfs Me. Even when I can feel his anger vibrating through his body I keep on staring at him. Like I can't take my eyes off him.

Feeling alive.

" Get up Shivanya. " He says. I don't move like I am still dreaming. But it's not a dream.

" You don't get to dictate her. " I look at Ryan who is now practically asking for my husband's wrath.

" Ryan! " I whisper yell at him.

" And you don't get to interfere between a husband and Wife's matter. " He growls at him who only looks at Rudra like he is enchanted by his aura.

" Get up Jaan. Let's not create a scene. Or do you want Me to throw you over my shoulder? " He bends down to whisper in my ear. Making a shiver run down my spine.

It feels like my body responds to his words and I get up immediately. " You don't get to say anything like that. " specifically after you send the papers.

He looks at Me shocked, his expression changes as his features harden. Like he doesn't believe I can say something like I said.

I wanted to hug him and ask him why he did, the least he could do was to talk to me. A part of me also wants to bury my face in his chest and cry all over again.

The Replacement ✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें