Chap 1. where am I?!

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Killer walked up the frozen stone stairs, it was about 2 in the morning.

(Just like you random reader, who is on thier bed and not doing thier home work)

Killer sighed, his bones were freezing, despite this lack of skin. The benefits of being a skeleton~

Killer opened the door, only to be met with Nightmare himself, Waiting for him the dark.

"Did you enjoy your punishment?" Nightmare sarcastically asked, killer just nodded his head yes not wanting to upset Nightmare. Nightmare stared at the skeleton, his eye piercing into killers frame. Killer could feel his gaze and hated it--

"Good. Next time you think before you fail a mission... go to your room and rest, we have a meeting tomorrow." Nightmare said already walking away, killer let out a small sigh following along.

The two skeletons walked in silence, thier room were close to eachother, Nightmare made a turn heading upstairs, where his room was located. Killer walked pass him, heading towards the room ahead of him. Each door had a name on them, he walked past dust, horror, errors, and cross's room.

"Fuck you-- " killer whispered, pointing a middle finger to cross's room. A friendship broken due to betrayal.

Killer reached his room door, he let a small sigh before he turned the knob? It did not open. "Fuck-" killer spat out as he tried to open the door again, he twist and turned the nobb but it did not budge. "Good dam it my door locked up again--" killer whispered-yell. In frustarstion he punched the door, a swift bang was heard-- killer froze because that bang did not sound correct... its did not sound like he hit wood, it sounded hit a person.

Killer punched it again, softly this time but just as he was about hit the door a arm grabbed his arm-- killer flinched, jumping back but the hand that grabbed him, did not let go!

The door slowly transformed into a blue magic portal, the one hand sticking through. Killer tried to fight back grabbing his knife from his pocket but a second hand grabbed his other arm--

"What the fuck!! " killer yelled, trying to figth back but suddenly the arms yanked him into the portal. His door quickly turning back to normal--

The door next to him open, out came horror looking confused?

*beep* *beep* *beep*

Killer slowly opened his eyes to the sound of a alram tone. Killer woke with a heavy head ack, his vision was blurry and his mind was spinning.

"Ugh....what happened--" killer groaned, sitting up from his bed. He placed his hand on his skull, hoping to aid his pain.

Killer vision clear up, the room around him start to show... This was not killer's room?! Killer's eyes widen in shock, before looking around the room?!

Killer looked around the phone still blaring the alarm tone. Killer quickly grabbed the phone, turning off the alarm. Killer let out a small sigh, calming himself down.

"Ok...what the hell-- what happened last Night?! Did I get kindnap--" killer thought standing up from the bed, throwing the bed sheets off. He looked down at his body, he was wearing white t-shirt and red baggy shorts-

"Ok...somebody changed me in my sleep. werido- or pervert?" Killer said, looking around into the room, it was pretty normal. A bed with a closet, a mirror in the corner. "Dam this room is plain--" killer thought walking over to the windows, he moved the blinds to see outside?

He was met with a huge truck, and bunch of boxes outside next to the truck.
Despite that the outisde was sunny and nice, it looked like a normal neighborhood.

"This... is weirdly Nice-- but? Where the fuck am I?" Killer thought walking away to the door, he looked over to his phone? It was the same phone? It had the same crack on the side?

Killer placed in his password and it opened? "They left me with my phone?" Killer thought confused, but didn't complain. He went into his contacts, to call Nightmare or dust but was met with ink- "what." Killer blurted out.

He swipped down the list, expecting to see the rest of his contacts but their was only 5???





Ccino (boss)

"What... why do I have a ink and swap in my contacts?!" Killer asked confused as hell.

Suddenly thier was a knock on his door.

Part 1 of idk?

Anyway I loved the idea so much I made it, its own book.

This was intro chapter, that's why its short.

Killer got trapped in a dating simजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें