i am in heaven part 2

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Part 2 ig !! sorry its been so long i had problem (lazyness and wifi) i might explain the situation in a chapter so without futher talking lets dive in (is making the intro longer to reach 1k word)

I am really not proud of this chapter that must be my worst one i dont really know how to write i am just a kid dude forgive me and maybe give me advice :)

Rigth at that moment the door slamed open

Damian got just the time to cover jon with a blanket before Dick irrupted into the room

« you'r a trained assasin you can keep a straight face and mumble some lie its not that hard plus Dick is a clingy dumbass who only give love and think with is heart so i will not need alot of effort sorry jonathan your gonna die from suffocation » Damian told himself well he was wrong jon was not really suffocating neither less suffering, he actually loved that ! dying or not as long as he stay sandwiched he was happy , there was just a question in his head how does damian taste ? could also try it now .....

-hey little D how you'r doing ! he said standing by the door frame

-Grayson you may try learning knocking at door. Damian said trying to sound as ....uh Damian as possible

Dick pouted –sorry Little D but ... he looked around the room searching for something where jon ? i though he was staying over like you told me this morning

And this is where you start acting damian , but just when he opened is mouth instead of a construted sentence that maybe meant nonsense but would convice Dick since damian was a good talker , a squeaking almost a moan came out of is lips.

Jon just licked to not say sucked one of is tigh and the worse is that he was not stopping

Dick gave him a puzzled look

-are you ok ?

Damian was blushing like really hard he was praying god to not stumble on is word

-y..y-yeah Fuck ! that exactly what i wanted to dodge he tried to hide is stumbling with a little laugh he just got outside i ....he did a pause to stop a moan that was trying to escape.....i think he told me he wanted to take snack or some dumb childish thing he mumbled in a whimper ok he was fucked up he was praying for Dick to not look at the blanket

Now from jon point of view

Jon would swicht up his place for nothing on earh , he could describe damian by alot of word cute , hot, attractive,smart,rude,whatever you want but right now the only word that came to his mind was delicious (wait sorry what age are they in the oneshot bc I myself is confused i kinda want to write them at 12-14 year old to add the embarasment to 100% i mean if they were bigger then that the scolding would be boring and i luv inocent and young jon in lemon not because i am a pedo no of course not i am still minor but more bc he dont understand the gravity of thing and dont give a really big fuck abt what other think a lemon scene will look like a child in a candy store he dont do the difference between that and playing and he will say many lovely thing :) ) he continued enjoying is meal without paying much attention to the outside

Dick was seriously getting confuse

-Damian are you sick you usualy never cover your self with a blanket that heavy to add to the fact that you are a bright red he said worried , he got closer and putted the back of his hand on damian forehead

- and you are burning ! Damian had a pleading expression on his face bitting his lips trying not to moan from jon teasing and praying all the god for Dick to go

-a-ah...~ i a-am ok .... He whimpered out

Dick then sudenly remove is hand from damian head and got out of the room

The moment he closed the door jon pulled out of the blanket face flushed and panting heavily trying to catch his breath damian was as flushed as jon , from being suffocated so long jon fell on Damian chest with a stupid smile and damian looked at him with an annoyed and and horrified look but it was not creadible with all the blush on Damian face

Jon snugled in Damian chest looking like a drunk man or some

-thats the best day of my life.... he said not fully himself still panting

Damian looked at him

-Kent are you crazy !? what were you thinking if Dick had founded you we would both be death by now why are you such and idiot ! WHY ?! he said truly embarassed and angry

Just at that moment Dick opened the Door accompagnied by Jayson and Tim

-Yo brat Dick told us your sic- before he could finish he took the scene infront of him like a punch in the jaw and Jason hated ppl punching him .

The position of Damian and Jon could be found normal but with the flushed face and heavy breathing it was hard to not imagine scene

Damian was fast to react pushing jon off him making him fall to the floor with a « thug » sound

-you didnot need to be that harsh you could have just asked me to move jon said rubbing his head that had recieve a shock from the hard floor still not fully him

-I swear on his head damian said franticly pointing to jon and looking at jason with a desesperate look that its not what it look like !

- hey leave my life out of this jon snapped looking at damian with a pout that could have been found cute if not in this situation

-Ok what the actual-

Someone say coming in

Ouff dang that was a long one right ? guess there will be a part 3 i am seriously losing idea pls someone help me !

Anyway i saw how many read this book got and i am impresed I didnot expect that much to not say that i didnot expect anything Thank you guy ! :) (you know no one car-) shut up voice no one called you (tsk. You'r boring)

OH MY GOD 1k word (if we want to round thing up)

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