7: ''If you're lucky, i might join in.''

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"I was here earlier." Thea murmurs, as her and Daphne head back past the DADA classroom, until they hit the grassy courtyard. Daphne quickly swings left, to the staircase that Mattheo came flying down earlier that morning, smashing directly into her. Thea thinks about bringing it up, but decided not too, as practically the entire group approach them from the side, except Pansy, who is probably still in the dorm. 

Theo grins at the pair of them as they approach, lifting his head in a sort of acknowledgment nod. Mattheo is walking beside him, looking, to Thea's vague shock, pleased. Catching his eye momentarily, his smile falters, and fades, his eyes wandering her up and down then immediately looking away. 

Thea bites her lip in frustration, angrier by the second that he's so dissatisfied with her. Normally a situation like this wouldn't bother her, yet Mattheo has some specific way of riling her up with his arrogance. 

"Daph, say this year why don't..." Theo begins as he approaches the two girls, immediately causing her to walk up alongside him. His words trail away as they begin up the stairs together, slotting into the queue of other students heading to the lesson. Daphne staring at the floor, yet, Thea can see how intently she's listening. 

Even better, she's just left Thea stood alone with Mattheo. All it takes a second, not even a fraction of a second, before he's in motion again, heading up the staircase after them. Thea doesn't even try to follow him, just diverts her attention to the other walking towards them.

Blaise is walking beside Draco, his hands in his front pockets. Even the way he walks is rich. They both exchange conversation in a calm and relaxed manner, even Draco doesn't look as miserable as he did yesterday. Enzo is alongside the pair, every now and then beginning to yap away about something, interrupting the conversation. It's usually followed by a glance from Draco, which shuts him up. 

"Thea." Enzo spots her waiting by herself, picking up his pace to reach her. "God it's nice to be around someone who isn't so fucking miserable." He laughs, and Thea bites back the urge to tell him she won't be much better. "All i hear is 'Lorenzo this' 'Lorenzo that' 'Lorenzo would you be quiet'. Merlin i think i'm going to change my name, you'd think after 5 years they'd all call me Enzo like i'd asked, but no." 

Thea finds herself smiling at Enzos rambling, pleased to find he seems to like her, as well as the fact he's quite amusing to listen to.  Emerged in his current story about getting on the wrong moving staircase this morning, she doesn't even realise Hermione, along with Potter and the ginger boy appear almost beside her before they ascend the stairs. 

"Just what i need. Granger's shrill voice bouncing around my head at 9 in the morning." Draco huffs, behind her on the stairs. 

Thea's ears prick up at the sound of her last name, and she turns her head to see Hermione in a frantic shout/whisper match with Ginny's brother, behind Draco, who is looking straight up at her. 

"I forget you're a Granger too," Draco sighs, "I don't suppose you are going to be pain about the Gryffindor Slytherin feud are you? It's historic you know, we don't want you thinking you can interfere." Draco half snarls the last sentence, as if he's expecting her to berate him for calling Hermione voice 'shrill', which Thea knows is practically in understatement. 

"Take the piss out of her all you want." Thea says quietly, deciding that being rude back to him isn't the best idea when she's trying to get accepted into his group. "Don't let me stop your 5 year hatred scheme. If you're lucky i'll join in with you." 

Draco laughs briefly as she turns back around, along with Blaise who lets out a sigh, which she hopes is also accompanied by a smile. 

"Do you and Hermione not get on?" Enzo leans almost fully across her as they reach the next floor. He points his arm over her, signally to go up the next flight of stairs. 

Resided in You - Mattheo RiddleOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz