2: ''Are you coming or...?''

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Eventually, Harry Potter left Thea in quiet, gone to change into his robes, and most likely find his friends, still resentful that he's not patrolling the corridors with them. Thea left to change quickly once he left, for the fear that if she left it too long, he might return and induce another mind-numbing boring conversation about the Headmaster. At one point she considered muttering a silencio under her breath, but ultimately decided against converting 'the boy who lived' into her enemy on the very first day. 

She must have fallen asleep in her carriage, when she awakes, she almost falls from the seat and crashes down to the wooden floor. Still ringing in her ears, the train's horn repeats over and over in her skull, knocking back and forth like a child shaking a pixie cage. Turning her gaze to the window, she sees its almost completely dark outside, the 8 hour train journey finally come to a well awaited demise. Students filter down the corridor single-file, each one gazing into her compartment as they pass the windows. Some take no more than a first glance, some older ones stare a little longer than the others, some looking back and forth multiple times before disappearing from view. Thea can't fathom what's so exciting about a girl they've never seen before, especially when they live in a castle the size of a fucking state. 

Clutching her robe in her fingers, her wand tucking neatly under the fabric, Thea slides the door of the carriage carefully, still fearful it might detach from its hinges at a slight aggressive movement. She slips in between a group of small, what she assumes to be first years, nervously biting their fingernails and twiddling their thumbs as they approach the platform. 

"Dorothea." Hermione calls as Thea sets her first foot onto the solid ground. She hears her sisters shouts from the doorway, yet doesn't respond, doesn't even look up from the floor, still intent to prove her point.

"Doro-" Hermione catches herself halfway, her call choking off into an exasperated breath. "Thea!" 

Thea snaps her head up upon hearing the correct name, and begins to weave her way through the crowds to her sister. Hermione is stood, spearheading a small group, Thea assumes they are all Gruffinors. As she gets closer, her assumption is confirmed, by the red and gold lion emblazoned onto the black fabric. Harry Potter and a lanky Ginger boy, who she guesses is Ronald, stand behind her, watching fearfully as Thea approaches. Multiple other students stand behind, immersed in their own conversations. 

"How was your journey?" Hermione clutches the front of her robes like a nervous child, almost like she's about to start swinging backwards and forwards on her heels. 

"It was fine." Thea replies, unsure of what sort of response her sister was expecting. 

"Me and Ron have to help the younger years get onto the carriages, will you be alright getting their with Harry and..." Hermione glances behind her anxiously, where two boys and another ginger girl are throwing around what looks like a small frog, and another boy is stood nervously shifting from foot to foot, muttering words under his breath. "Harry and the others?" 

Thea offers a small nod and an unsure "mhm", struggling to draw her eyes away from the boy who's talking to himself. Harry Potter looks overall discouraged and vaguely pissed off to be regarded as "one of the others." Thea still can't imagine was could be so enthralling about being a 'prefect'. 

Offering a slightly awkward nod, Hermione flicks around, most likely in search of someone in need or someone who needs to be told off. After spotting her target, a group of small boys shrieking with laughter as one of their friends begins to blow steam from their ears, Hermione's hand clasps around the ginger boys arm, and drags him to the scene, despite his obvious displeasure. 

"Are you coming or..." Harry Potter questions, and underlying tone of irritation in his voice, as he gestures towards the carriages. The muttering boy is staring at her funny, as though he's got something exciting to say. 

Resided in You - Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now