The aftermath

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Fallon watches as the doctor and Amy leave the Tardis, and she wanders around the console room... she's never seen anything like this, it's just so beautiful... The room was huge, she stares at the centre a huge hexagonal console, the middle of it, completely lit up in the most fascinating light, with so many buttons and levers on it that Fallon feels so tempted to find out what they do... she notices that the room has different levels and staircases that must lead to different corridors and rooms... she looks down at her feet and through the glass floor and she can't even begin to describe what she's looking at.

She looks back up and continues looking at everything that she can stroking her hand along the railings as she goes along... unable to help herself from doing it.. The Tardis doesn't seem too mind and gives her a hum in response, she feels something gentle trying to communicate on her mind and she looks up to the ceiling "is that you?" she asks her and the Tardis flashes some lights and gives a hum in response.. Fallon chuckles a little in amazement... when she clocks one of the corridors lights all flashing in a pattern, like they want Fallon to follow "have I to follow them?" and the Tardis once again hums in response.

Fallon nods and starts to follow the flashing lights down the long winding corridor, she notices so much details on the wall and some have beautiful symbols on them, she wonders what they are.

The flashing lights come to a stop outside a beautiful wooden door with her name engraved on it, Fallon eyes widen and she's leans out and gently rubs her fingers over the engraving of her name "is this for me?" The Tardis sends a soft hum through her.

Fallon slowly opens up the door and looks into the bedroom, it automatically lights up when she steps into it, she starts to look around it, the room looks so light and spacious, and such a warmth inviting feel too it, she's not sure if that's the room or just genuinely how the Tardis makes her feel... she walks further into the room and first eyes up the comfy double bed.. and then at then at the few shelves on the walls some are filled with books and some look a little bare... she turns and notices a blue patterned desk, which is filled with small projects by the looks of it.. and pens and papers scattered over it, next to the desk is chest of drawers in the same blue pattern... on it it a merry of photographs... she picks one up but notices that the faces she is with are blurred out.. weird.

"I see you've found your room" a voice behind her says softly, she jumps slightly and turns around and sees the doctor standing there leaning on the door frame watching her. "I think the Tardis led me that okay?" Fallon asks him quietly.

The doctor smiles and walks further into the room "of course it is, she must of been excited to show you it, what do you think?" The doctor asks her looking at her closely. Fallon gives him a soft smile "This is really my room? Wow that's, wow, I've never had a room like this before" Fallon answers truthfully and the doctor gives a slight sad smile at that fact "Yip lovely all yours, to do whatever you want, the shelves are a little bare because this is your first time, and the photos are blurred because well spoilers"

The doctor continues on "The Tardis changes you room depends on where you are in the timeline" Fallons stares at him taking this information in, and when it sinks in her face slightly drops when she realises she must of be in this universe for a while.

The doctor senses the drop in mood and sighs and takes her hand "come with me, it's time for us to talk and to explain what's going on" He says softly as he leads her down a corridor and into a kitchen and makes her plop down into a seat, he gets to work making some drinks, before passing her a mug and sitting in front of her, she looks down at the mug curiously "it's hot chocolate" He informs her and she takes a drink which is actually quite delicious.

Fallon stares back at him and he stares back at her with a smile "I'm sure you have questions" Fallon nods "yeah I do" Fallon agrees, He gives her another smile "go ahead ask me anything and I will do my best to answer them"

Underneath the Lightning (doctor who) book 1Where stories live. Discover now