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Flashback, one years ago..

Ravenna slowly opened her eyes, barely remembering what just happened. All she saw was the remains of some sort of ancient ruins, and that was it. What.. Happened? She tried to move, but she couldn’t. She was so weak, barely at half a heart. Where are April and Breanna??
She looked around for her two younger sisters, April and Breanna. However, she couldn’t see them, until she saw a limp hand under a pile of rubble. Her eyes widened, as she realized who that belonged to.
Ravenna let out a scream of terror, and she tried to crawl over to the rubble, but she let out another scream, this time it was a scream of pain. She looked behind her and noticed her leg was crushed by a block of cobblestone. Ravenna teared up and started to cry. “No.. No, this can’t be happening!!! APRIL!! BREANNA!!!”
She screamed for her sisters, desperately pleading for them to be alive. But there were no responses. After that, she burst into tears, the inability to rescue her sisters, as well as her crushed leg, was causing her unbearable pain. She couldn’t survive without her sisters, she needed them. They were the only family she had left.
As Ravenna was about to lose hope, she stopped and heard footsteps. Huh?? Who’s there?? She got scared, and began to freak out.

Ravenna closed her eyes in fear, expecting the worst to happen, when suddenly, she felt the weight of the cobblestone disappear. She gasped and looked up, seeing a young man, about 23 years old, standing beside her and moving the stone off her leg. The young man had short brown hair, dark blue eyes, was wearing a light blue shirt, and dark blue pants. “There we go. I gotcha, kiddo. Just hang in there.” His voice sounded genuine, and calming.
But Ravenna didn’t trust strangers, as she was only 14 years old, and didn’t have any experience with adults. As the man tried to pick her up, Ravenna screamed and flinched away, crying, “N-No, please!! Don’t hurt me!!”
The man stepped back, not wanting to overwhelm her. “Whoa, it’s okay, kid! Just calm down, I’m not going to hurt you, I promise.” He knelt down and held Ravenna in his arms, trying to provide comfort. “It’s okay.. You’re safe.”
Ravenna went stiff at first, but when she realized that he was no threat, she relaxed and cried into his shoulder, feeling overwhelmed over the loss of her sisters and the intense pain of her leg.
“A-April, Breanna! We have to save them!!! We can’t leave them!!!” She cried, staring at the limp hand under the pile of rubble. The man glanced over at the area she was talking about, and his eyes widened.

“Oh.. Oh, honey.. I..” He paused, as he was speechless. He hugged her close before saying, “I’m sorry, kid. It’s too late..”
Ravenna’s eyes widened in horror, and her heart broke. Her sisters were dead, and she couldn’t save them in time. She buried herself in the man’s shoulder and cried, devastated about having to leave her sisters behind.
The man sighed and picked her up, carrying her bridal style, while making sure not to harm her damaged leg, and began walking away. “It’ll be okay, I promise. Your sisters will always be watching over you..” He walked slowly in order to give Ravenna some time to think about this.
Ravenna still didn’t trust this man 100%, but she didn’t really have much of a choice at the moment. She looked up at the rubble. “G-Goodbye, dear sisters..” she muttered in a shaky voice, before burying herself back in the man’s shoulder.
The man walked away from the ancient ruins and began making his way towards the forest biome. He looked at Ravenna and placed a comforting hand on her head. “We’re headed to my base, which isn’t too far from where we are. I’ll get you all healed up, okay?” he asked her.
Ravenna nodded her head, holding on tight to the man, not wanting to let go. This was a very tough moment for her, but she was glad the man was kind enough to rescue and take her in.

The trip was silent, the only sounds were from the animals they passed by. After a while, though, the man broke the silence. He introduced himself as Steve, and he was resting at his camp until he heard Ravenna’s screams. He even joked about how loud and high pitched they were, but then stopped and apologized once he saw her expression.
After a few more minutes, they arrived at a small campsite. It wasn’t fancy or anything, just a little campfire with a crafting table and chest. Steve placed Ravenna down next to the fire, and rummaged through the chest, eventually pulling out a healing potion. He walked back over to Ravenna and handed her the potion.
“Here, take this. It should heal your leg.” He explained to her with a soft smile. Ravenna looked up at Steve, hesitating for a moment, but then she took the potion. “T-Thanks..” she muttered before taking off the cap, and drinking the potion.
Once she drank the potion, most of the pain went away, which was relieving. There was still pain, but it didn't bother Ravenna as much. After she finished, she handed the bottle back to Steve, and curled her legs, trying not to cry. Steve sat down next to her, wrapping his arm over Ravenna’s shoulder. “Hey, I’m really sorry about what happened, kid.. Just know that they will always be with you no matter what, okay? Even if they aren’t physically here.” He tried to assure Ravenna.

Ravenna looked up a little. Steve was right. Even if her sisters were dead, they would always be with her, even if she can’t see them. “Y-Yeah.. You’re right.. I just.. I wish I could’ve protected them.. They were my only family, and… Now I have no one.”
Steve frowned while hearing that. “I understand how you feel. I lost someone very important to me six years ago. But, I managed to stay strong because.. Deep down, I know he’s with me. I know he’s still the same deep down.” He explained to Ravenna, who looked up at him in an understanding way.
“Oh. I’m sorry about that.” She said quietly. Steve smiled at her and ruffled her hair, causing Ravenna to gasp a little. “It’s no problem, kid. Anyway, the important thing is that we get some rest. Why don’t you stick with me for a while? My village isn’t too far away.” suggested Steve.
Ravenna’s eyes widened when he said that. “Wait, really?” She asked. She’s never lived with anyone but her sisters and other kids at the orphanage. But, she wasn’t going to risk losing the opportunity. She smiled, and hugged Steve. “Yes. I would love to be with you!”
Steve was caught off guard for a moment, but then, he hugged her back. “Alright, now get some sleep, kiddo. You need your rest.” He told her. Ravenna nodded and she laid down. Before she slept, she finally muttered, “Thanks again..”

End of the prolouge! Feel free to let me know what you think in the comments :3

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