Chapter 2: First class

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"Anyway.. how did you find me." Jake asked curiously.

"I saw you following Heeseung.. I knew he was up to something so I came to your rescue." Sunghoon responded with a small smile.

"Ah.. I see."

"Okay.. we are here. Come I'll introduce you to him."

Jake nodded. He tensed up, felt really stressed at that moment. He really hoped the principal was a nice person, someone who wouldn't make him feel intimidated.

"Relax.. he is a good person. He won't make you feel uncomfortable." Sunghoon gave a small smile.

"Okay.. thank you for reassuring me." Jake felt slightly relieved.

Sunghoon chuckled before knocking on the door.

"Come in!" The energetic voice said.

Sunghoon then pushed open the door of the office, revealing a man with a huge smile on his face.

"Oh hi Sunghoon! What's up." The man spoke.

"This is Jake a new student. We came to fetch his schedule."

"Oh yes! Thank you for bringing him to me." The man smiled before shifting his gaze to Jake, who was slightly fidgeting with his hands.

"Hello... Sir." Jake spoke.

"Don't be afraid of me! I'm a cool person." The principal joked.

"Ah yes.."

"Here is your schedule. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me or Sunghoon here. He is the president of our school so he will be able to guide you. Have a good day Jake."

"Thank you sir.." Jake took the paper and gave a small smile. He then turned around to exit the office, with Sunghoon following behind him.

"See wasn't that bad right?"

"I know! It's was pretty good since I expected a strict person. It's a relief." Jake sighed.

"Let's get you to your first class!"


"Enjoy your first class!" Sunghoon exclaimed.

"Thank you.. see you around" Jake answered, earning a small nod from the older.

He entered the classroom, once again he was greeted with eyes and whispers. He felt his heart exploding, he hated being the center of attention.
Even his teacher seemed to be giving him weird glares.

"Im the new student... this class is supposed to be my first." Jake approached his teacher's desk and spoke softly.

"Oh okay! that explains why you suddenly entered the class. Well I am Mr. Min.. why don't you introduce yourself to the class." the teacher spoke.

"Oh.. Hi everyone.. My name is Sim Jaeyun. I am from Australia. I hope we all get along." Jake smiled. He felt more comfortable when he saw some people smile at him.

"Okay.. you may sit down near Jungwon at the back of the class. Please raise your hand Jungwon."

Jake watched as the person raised his hand. He nodded before he slowly walked towards his seat.

"Hi! Nice to meet you." Jungwon said enthusiastically.

"Nice to meet you too.. Jungwon right?" Jake asked.

"Yep! That's me."

Guess this school wasn't actually that bad. Apart from the unknown male from earlier, everything was going perfectly fine. He had already made somewhat two friends. Jake was hoping to be able to meet other people as well.

The class went smoothly, he didn't expect it to be fun. Maths was never a subject he thought he would like. The teacher made everything look so easy suddenly, he felt proud to be able to do the questions easily.

It ended pretty quickly, it was time for his second lesson before the first break.

"Jake. Do you want to come sit with me and my friends?" Jungwon asked.

"Really? Are you sure they won't mind?"

"They shouldn't. We sit in the garden at the front. What's your next class.. I'll come get you so you don't get lost."

"Oh.. I have history now." Jake spoke.

"Geez. Good luck with that. Let me drop you off." Jungwon sighed. He hated history with passion as he would usually say.

"No it's okay! I already have someone to do that."

"Oh! Who?"


"You mean school president? Okay well I guess.. where is your class.. I'll come get you after ."

"Class 8."

"Well wait for me when class is over okay?"

"Alright." Jake nodded as he watched his new friend leave the classroom.

"Sunghoon!" Jake said as he rushed to the male outside the class.

The older watched as Jake ran like a child towards him. It made him feel strange

Sunghoon could feel his heart beating for no reason. There was something about the younger's huge smile which made his heart flutter. The way his cheeks puffed up and his eyes sparkled, made him look adorable.

It was perfect

"Hey Jake. How was class?" Sunghoon asked, hoping Jake wouldn't notice the evident blush on his cheeks.

"Ah- it was great. I like maths for some reason. Why is your face red?" Jake asked suddenly noticing the older's face tinted pink.

"It's kind of hot.. by the way what class do you have next?" Sunghoon said as he fanned himself with his hands, trying to change the conversation.

"Okay! If you say so.. I have history next. Where is class 8?" Jake asked pointing at the subject on his schedule.

"It's close to here. Let's go."

"You don't have to come get me after this class. I'll go sit with a friend. He will come get me afterwards."

"Who is it? I might know that person."


"That guy, I see" Sunghoon definitely knew who that was.

"You know him?"

"Yes.. one of my friends is literally in love with him. It's crazy how much he talks about him or the amount of times I saw him staring, it's getting out of hand.. He doesn't even have the courage to speak to Jungwon." Sunghoon chuckled, remembering the times he spent encouraging his friend to talk to him. The latter would run away after a few seconds.

"That's funny. He should really try though. Jungwon is really sweet." Jake smiled.

"I told him many times to do so.. he just doesn't listen."

"It will take some time I guess."

"Sure will."

I'm really not getting inspiration to write lmao
Anyway thank you for reading
I hope you like it
For now it's boring.. afterwards it will get better
Bye 💗
1000 words

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