Chapter 1: Happy Birthday!

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The party was full of loud chatter. Manic gremlin children running around and their parents pleads for them to shut up. Suddenly, a knock was heard at the door, and my mother (Mrs. Chunyin) went to answer it.
"Happy Birthday!" Mr Chunyin said happily, while holding a large cardboard box and standing outside the appartment, "I brought a gift for Yonni!"
"Oh,What's the gift?" Miss Chunyin replied
"Oh Sekushi will love it!" He exclaimed, walking in, "But I'm gonna have to keep it a secret until the end of this birthday party so it'll be extra amazing!"

 "Happy Birthday!" Mr Chunyin said happily, while holding a large cardboard box and standing outside the appartment, "I brought a gift for Yonni!""Oh,What's the gift?" Miss Chunyin replied "Oh Sekushi will love it!" He exclaimed, walking in, "But ...

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The birthday party dragged on, we ate the (somewhat delicious) cake and played a couple of board games. Until it was time to open my gifts. The first gift was clothing. A white (slightly-oversized) t-shirt with a Seinfeld-like logo, which I loved.

Eventually, it was time for my father's gift.
"Ok Sekushi, you can now open the gift!" He said proudly,
Yonni began quickly opening the large cardboard box on the ground, excited if her dad got her something cool. She soon revealed a cartoony life-sized doll with short shoddy dark-purple hair.
"Oh wow, What gender is it? Is it a girl?" I asked, craving for a talking point.
"He's a boy, I think the label said 'Asuka' or something.. I don't really know."
"Oh Ok. I'll just name him Asuka." Sekushi mumbled.

After the party, Asuka and her mother began deciding where to place the strange gift. Sekushi protested but Mrs. Chunyin decided to put it in the  closet. Eventually, all of the residents of the appartment eventually fell to sleep, waiting for the Sunday tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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