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    Today was the Warrior Ducks first match and they were up against the Reese Academy Falcons. They got their new jerseys, black, with a duck wearing war gear on the front, and red was the secondary color.

   Yvette and Sol still haven't spoken to each other and the team didn't budge them into talking. Sol's day went by quick and no one really bothered her. Well, except for Asher in History, but other then that no one.

    The team was in the locker room getting ready for the match. Hayley was braiding the girls' hair so the helmet would fit comfortably.

    Sol and Jasper finished getting ready first so they were talking until the others got ready. The team was finally all geared up and they headed to their bench, looking at the Falcons doing a warm up lap.

    Athos huddled them up and gave them a pep talk before Anne took over. "Okay, team." She got their attention. "You guys know the lineup right? Sol and Jasper first on the wings, Riley takes center, Donovan and Max take defense, and we got Julian on goaltender."

    The team nods and the coaches give them a play before sending them into the ice. Riley and a big bulky player takes center. Sol goes to left wing, Jasper right and defense takes their spot. The ref drops the puck and Riley gets it.

    Sol and Jasper chase after him, watching to make sure the puck doesn't get stolen. Some dude went to check Sol, but she checked him before he could. She hears the buzzer and sees Riley celebrating.

    They reset again and this team the Falcons got the puck. Sol, Jasper, and Riley skate after the puck, while Max and Donovan does defense around the goal. Sol reached the puck first and stole it, wrapping around her goal and racing to the other side.

    "Go! Go! Go!" Athos yelled when Sol passed by the bench. Riley checks people from Sol and Sol makes in the shot.

    The first period continues like that. Occasionally switching here and there from time to time, but primarily keeping Sol, Jasper, and Riley on the ice. In the first period the Warrior Ducks are in the lead 4-2.

    The second period starts, they get their fifteen minute break before the line switches in with Yvette, Hayley, and Sebas. After about half of the period goes by, the score is now 6-3 and the Warrior Ducks stole the puck back.

    Hayley has the puck and races to the net, flying by the Falcons. She was skating when she suddenly falls down and the puck slid across the ice, getting stolen by the Falcons. Hayley gets up and shoved the player standing over her.

    "You asshole!" She yelled. "Why did you hook me!?" She shoved him again.

    The player shoves her back, but before a fight could break out, a ref comes over and blows his whistle. "Player #22, Mendoza, two minute penalty, roughing." The ref takes Hayley to the penalty box and she was cussing the whole way.

    The Falcons make a goal putting the score 6-4.

    Athos rubbed his face and looked out to the ice at his players. The second period continues and they get their fifteen minute break as their mascot, Duckleberry Finn skated onto the ice and addressed the crowd.

    "Okay, you guys did good!" Anne assured her team. "So good, we're winning."

    Aramis looked at his sister. "6-5 is good. Just keep them from scoring and we'll won't end in a tie."

    "Yes, and do try not to get penalties." Athos added and everyone looked to Hayley. She huffed and looked away. The team went over some plays before the third period started. Athos sent in Warner and Carter for defense, Myers for center, Sol and Jasper for offense, and kept Julian in for goaltender.

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