6. Interview.

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The two were once again riding the elevator,awaiting patiently for what the next floor will bring or even be.
After a while,the elevator ringed and the metal doors opened.
They found in front of themselves what seemed a sky.
Floating on it,was a man in a black suit.

???:"Oh good,you made it! I was worried you'd gotten lost." the man said.

he had a white skin,like pale white,he almost didn't seem human,you could say that he wasn't a normal guy.

???:"Please,take a seat,make yourself comfortable." he offered
Protag:"I think im fine over here." he responded.
???:"Of course,wherever you feel best." he said,keeping a smile the entire time
???:"It's nice finally getting to meet you!"
???:"You're here for your first day,right? How are you?" the man asked with the same smile
Protag:"I'm doing fine."
???:"Glad to hear it!" he said,a big smile appearing across his face
???:"Did you find your way alright?Any hiccups?" he asked,his smile from before reappearing on his face.
Protag:"I had no trouble."
???:"Thank heaven for that- I've heard some of the new employees get lost easily,I'm glad you're competent to have at least gotten here on time." he says,his smile still not wiping away from his face.
???:"I see you had a senior to help with any questions you had,how was your time spent with your colleague?"
Protag:"He was helpful and great to have around." he said.

He was lying for the first part,but it was amazing to have him around...at least only on the last floors they explored together...

???:"Oh,that's good! It's always nice when the tools you have work how they're supposed to."

Co worker:"what"
Protag:"what" the two said in sync

???:"Speaking of how easily you fared getting here-" he suddenly spoke just to change topic probably.
???:"Are your lungs working alright?" he asked.

Lungs?why was he asking about his lungs?how is that necessary to work there?he just shook it off and kept answering the questions,by now he figured out he must be speaking with the boss of the company.

Protag:"What the fuck."
Boss:"I'll just jot that down as a "no" then."
Protag:"Well,it's just that the question caught me off guard-" he spoke but got interrupted.
Boss:"If that's the case you may need to get your lungs checked."
Boss:"What is your greatest fear?" he asked
Protag:"Heights." the protagonist answered firmly,but the boss didn't seem to have heard that.
Boss:"Sorry,i couldn't quite hear that- could you step a bit closer?"

(Fuck,i can't even see the horizon!...im getting vertigo!-) The protagonist thought to himself as he got slightly closer

Protag:"Heights!" he answered once again.
Boss:"Oh,got it! Well,i don't think you'll have much to worry about,we'll make sure to keep you on the lower management then." he spoke,still with a smile printed on his face.
Protag:"W-works for me..." he said,his voice shaking.
Boss:"How did you hear about this position?" he asked.
Protag:"Well i heard about it through the paper-" he spoke but got interrupted by his probably boss.
Boss:"And what about it drew you to it? What made you want this job?" he asked again.
Protag:"Being...a part of something bigger than myself." he answered.
Boss:"How so?" he asked and smiled

Protagonist could have sworn that he saw his eyes turn from total black to a grey-ish white.

Protag:"To not be alone."
Boss:"Right,as a company!I'm sure you'll get all the thrill out of bettering a larger as us current employees currently have." he said,his pupils being coloured black again.
Protag:"Thrill's one word for it..." he muttered to himself
Boss:"What would you consider your biggest weakness?" he asked
Boss:"That's nothing to worry about!Our policies are pretty forgiving if you end up saying the wrong thing,or have a hard time making a decision,consequences to previous mistakes are always something that you can learn from,just remember you'll always have the chance to make a different choice,if you have more questions we can loop back around the topic later." he said and still kept that smile stamped on his face.
Protag:"That's fine- I think I'm getting the point!" he said,clearly trying to make him change topic and go on with the interview.
Boss:"Last but not least:why should we hire you?"
Protag:"Im a problem solver." he answered firmly
Boss:"Well- It was a pleasure meeting you,did you have any questions on your end?" he asked
Protag:"Wh-" he was instantly cut off by his boss
Boss:"Thanks again for making it,I have another meeting soon so we'll have to discuss further inquiries later." he smiled
Boss:"Oh,but one more thing!" he said as he reaches over to shake his hand.
Boss:"Welcome aboard the team." he says.

As he lets go of his hand,Protagonist finds a key in his hand.

Boss:"Consider this as a welcome gift,hopefully we'll talk again soon." he smiled as he suddenly disappeared
Protag:"H-huh?did he just disappear-?" he says and looks around confused.

Co worker walks up to him with a smile and pats AGGRESSIVELY his shoulder

Co-worker:"congrats on getting the job newbie,it'll be a pleasure working with you." he said and winked at him

Protagonist had forgot for a moment that he was there too and all the feelings he made him feel during the last floors,now they were back again.

Protag:"o-oh,thank you Bryce..." he said and smiled back at him
Co-worker:"Anyways,this is my stop."
Protag:"huh-?" he asked confusingly
Co-worker:"Did you forget?i told you i had a meeting on the top floor,didn't i?" he said.
Protag:"Oh-!right,I forgot..." he said and rubbed his neck with his hand
Co-worker:"so,my meeting should end at 5PM,what you say,wanna meet up and get a drink after work to celebrate your promotion?" he asked
Protag:"Sure,sounds good." he smiled at him
Protag:"Well,good luck on your interview" he said,Co-worker smiling at him
Co-Worker:"thank you James." he says,and with the blink of an eye,he's gone too.

Protagonist was now alone on the elevator,turns out that the key that the boss gave him was the key to the lobby.
He used it and finally got back to the lobby.
After all those hours.
He was finally back there.
He made his way out of the building,finally breathing fresh air.
It was 3PM,meaning there were 2 more hours left for him until he would meet up with his now colleague.
He decided to head home for the remaining two hours of awaiting.


hey guys so,first of all,even if it's basically clear,the boss is supposed to be normal guy,second of all,since there WILL be a happy ending,do you guys mind if i sneak in winnie🔥(from cold front ofc) and third yes i copy and pasted all the dialogue in the actual game here

btw i have a confession,i don't like normanon(?) i prefer normanuel😞

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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