5. Fireworks.

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The two were riding the elevator,they were slowly recovering from the floors before the peaceful ones,even if Co-worker had to deal with them daily,he was starting to feel at peace and safe at the workplace for the first time,he was so happy of that.
Co-worker was also starting to trust Protagonist,so he would maybe start slowly showing him his real personality.
The elevator doors opened,this time revealing...just a grassy hill?
It was all starting to look too peaceful to not be suspicious.
Yet it looked so amazing,the two men just looked at eachother and smiled,starting to head to the end of the hill.
At the end,was a classic red and white squared picnic tablecloth,and they sat there
The breeze was nice,the stars looked amazing and shining.
Yet ,Protag was focusing on something else that shined bright.
He couldn't take his eyes off his Co-worker.
He was so handsome.
He just hoped that Co-Worker would maybe feel the same about him at least the slightest.
He just hoped that he also felt that warm feeling when they are together.
His thoughts were interrupted by a sudden explosion.
Co-worker:"hey James,look!" his co worker said as he pointed to the sky.
He saw some fireworks exploding,and he was thrilled by them as he admired them with amusement.
Without even realising it,his head was resting on his co worker's shoulder,Co-Worker seemed to have noticed,but said nothing about it,he just wrapped his arm around his waist once again.
They kept going on for an hour until they eventually stopped.
Co-Worker and Protagonist got up from the hill and walked away,going into the elevator.
This time,no weird button appeared,just an average one.
Could it be?
Were they finally going to be free from this eternal loop in the elevator?
They happily pushed the button.
Who knows what will the next floor bring?


i want to write a patelgraves ff so bad but my mind is blank
word count: 284

stuck.(an elevator hitch ff)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora