3. Rat.

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the two men were on the elevator once again,awaiting for the next floor,they were slightly more hopeful than before that this floor wouldn't be bad,but oh boy,they were wrong.
Well,at least,only Co-worker.

As soon the doors of the elevator opened,they found...

of rats.

Co-worker saw them,the moment he did,he screamed so high,like a little girl,jesus could have heard him by how loud it was at this point.
He jumped in his coworker's arms out of fear,wrapped tightly his arms and legs around him,which caused the both of them to fall,but eventually got up again,Co-worker was still in the same position.
The rats started to crowd around the two,but they looked pretty harmless,in the contrary,they seemed to love Protag,so he tried to get Co-worker off him,he actually did it but he ran off to the corner of the elevator,and surprisingly not even a single rat approached him,better,right?
Protag bent over to pet the rats,turns out they were actually quite friendly!
after a while,the rats got out the elevator,maybe they wanted the two to follow,and Protag did so.
Protag:"oh come on Chase they are harmless rats,don't be scared!" he said in both a slight annoyed tone but also a kind one,and offered his hand so that they could go to the rats,Co-worker was extremely hesitant at first,but grabbed his hand,and so they started to follow the rats.
The creatures led them to...nothing,just the same thing as before just distant from the elevator.
A bunch of the rats went even more distant,but most of them stayed still,after a while,the rats split in two parts (I MEAN AS GROUPS I SWEAR I DONT MEAN THEIR BODIES) and the bunch of rats made their way to the two,Co-worker holding tightly onto Protag out of fear,the rats offered them...a few cheese,it wasn't a lot but it was enough for the two to split some,protag kindly took it and pet the rat that gave it to them,and then all the rats walked away,into the horizon...
what a bizarre turn of events.
The two made their way into the elevator again,Co-worker was still terrified while Protag was eating some of the cheese,it actually tasted real good!
Co-worker and Protag noticed that once again,a button had appeared on the elevator's buttons,this time,as icon,there was...a drop of water.
The two men looked at eachother once again and pressed it.
Who knows what will the next floor bring?

what the fuck happened
Word count:469

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