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I know this is kind of sudden but please, it will only take a moment . I want your honest opinion.

What is freedom ?

From what limited knowledge I have.
Individual freedom is one of the most significant things in the world, and it's a never-ending journey. It is the ability that makes us human and allows us to create our own life. Individual freedom is a fundamental human right. With individual freedom, you're free to make decisions for yourself, free to act according to your own will, free to think & speak, free to choose your own life path, and be yourself. That's why individual freedom is essential in everyone's lives in this modern world. Individual freedom can also come from finding joy in your life and being able to do what you love.

Freedom is not something that can be found through other things, situations, money, or another person. If you think you have to escape from society or live on the edge to achieve your freedom, it is not like this. Your true freedom is within you right now. Your best version of yourself and your best life is uncovered when you know what makes you genuinely happy, what is valuable in your life, what is truly important to you, and what sets your soul on fire.

So, if you're unfree in this free world, it is because of your own doing. If you want to be truly free and get your freedom, you'll make it happen as you're responsible for your life. You must be wondering why individual freedom is so important that I'm emphasizing it

Freedom is a basic instinct of human being. It is essential for their holistic personality development as well as overall well being. Freedom is inherent to our nature since we are born with it. This isn't given to us by any governmental authority but we have these by virtue of being born as humans.

It is imperative to have access to basic rights and freedoms such as that of movement, expression, security. This expedites the process of putting a system of check on authority and governance in an attempt to ensure what is right and beneficial for the citizens of a nation.

The concept of individual freedom must be in accordance with social standards and must work in consonance with responsibility. "With great freedom comes great responsibility." This can rightly be put to use in the context of individual freedom, social responsibility and civil society. Since freedom implies responsibility considering that they're both sides of the same coin. Responsibility in turn leads to a feeling of social responsibility which creates a compulsion in the minds of citizens towards ensuring guarantee of rights such a human rights especially for the weak and the vulnerable, optimum utilisation of resources while concurrently ensuring minimum misuse.

The pattern is similar across the globe. Most countries vouch for a fair judiciary, free media, competent elections, right to speak and to express oneself and that of being able to practice the religion of their choice.

That being said will I ever be truly free?

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