Noah then sets the key on the ground as he says "We have to destroy it!" and aims the blaster at it while pressing a button on the weapon, making it switch on to blast it. "Noah!" Elena yelled in shock and horror while Neziha was shocked and confused. "NOAH! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Eva yelled in disbelief as she quickly got ready to grab the key. "No! Don't" Everyone turned around and saw Optimus came running just in time and raised a servo up in pleading. Noah didn't listen to either of them as he pressed down on his button more, making it transform into a loaded gun. "I know you want to protect your people" Optimus began in an understanding tone as he made his gun transform back into his metal arm, "But if you destroy that key, our home will be lost forever. We do not have to choose!".

Noah was now conflicted, knowing deep down this wasn't the right thing to do and Neziha whimpers getting scared of the situation as Elena holds him close while Eva was ready to make a move if Noah tries to shoot. "Please, Noah..." Optimus gives one last attempt at his pleading as his deep voice completely dropped into a sadder one and didn't move from his spot near the trees.

Noah averts his eyes down and shakes in his spot and then eventually the blasters shuts off, making Eva's eyes widened before sighing in relief as she goes over to him and gives Noah a comfort hug and whispers "You did what was right Noah... I'm proud of you" and this made Noah hug Eva back tightly and then Eva looks at Neziha and gives a nod, making Neziha smile a little before he goes over and gently picks up the half piece of the key as Elena was beside him. Suddenly a familiar loud screech was heard from above and the corrupted Airazor comes flying down from out of the forest diving down grabbing both Elena and Neziha in her claws and screeches before flying away.

Eva tried to reach her son and Elena before this happened, but didn't make it in time as she rolled onto the sandy floor with a grunt beside Noah. "NEZIHA!!!!" Eva screamed out a cry, scrambling up from the floor hearing both Neziha and Elena's loud, terrified yells from within the air and immediately starts running after them with her immense speed. Optimus' optics also widened in fear as he runs a few steps up to Noah while exclaiming "Elena! Neziha!".

Soon Primal came rushing out of the forest's clear path with a roar and skidded a stop on the sand seeing the girl and the child up in the air, he grunted lowly and began following along the bankside of the water. "Go!" Noah yelled urgently as he and Optimus ran back to the forest going a different way to get Elena and Neziha back along with the second piece of the key. Primal was running through the large forest trees while hearing Airazor's screeching from the distance and used that to locate where she was exactly and then he sees Eva ahead of him as she was jumping/running through the trees.

 Primal was running through the large forest trees while hearing Airazor's screeching from the distance and used that to locate where she was exactly and then he sees Eva ahead of him as she was jumping/running through the trees

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"Eva, Jump!" Primal called out to her and Eva heard him as she looked over her shoulder and then quickly made a leap towards him as she lands on his back and holds onto him tightly. Primal jumped up onto a high branch, using that to swing himself up onto the rocks as Neziha and Elena's screams were also heard now. "Hang on, you two! We're coming!" Eva yelled as Primal jumped down from the mountain with a roar, getting air for a few seconds and landed onto a rushing waterfall coming down from an even higher mountain. Primal clambered up those rocks easily and all the way up to where a clearing out of the forest was, he began climbing up some old rock ruins placed there on a grassy hill and ran up on all fours over many rocky steps that stretched vastly.

Transformers: Rise of the Beasts; The Heart of an Assassin and A Mother Where stories live. Discover now