【Chapter 10】

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TW: hinted forced intercourse. Like really forced with barely any consent. Sexual assault/harrasment? Just be warned, it gets gross at one point, please feel free to skip it 


It was still quiet in the lunchroom, specifically where the group was. Everyone was tired and it was evident. Everyone had eyebags, and some of the actions of the group members were sluggish. It was awkward to talk which made [M/n] internally cringe.

After a few moments, Tyler spoke. "I still think we should go back to Savannah." His voice was now soft and gentle, he was looking at his food or the table. "I still think you should shut up." Yin immediately shot back but Ashlyn jabbed her elbow into Yin's ribcage.

"Alright." [M/n] sighed, rubbing his forehead with his hand. Soon enough, he started fiddling with his earring. He had the feeling that a headache started to form. "Let's take some time and think about it again. We'll have a group vote later tonight." [M/n] spoke as he rubbed his temples. He felt a warm liquid slip down his face. '[Ah. Whoops.]' He thought as his hand went to his nose. Ben handed him a thin paper napkin. Probably from the school based on the bad quality.

He silently nodded as Tyler began to speak once more, completely disregarding and ignoring [M/n]'s bleeding nose and mouth. It happened all the time so [M/n] supposes that everyone had gotten used to it. "Why not after school?" Tyler asked as [M/n] heard Ashlyn tap her foot in irritation. "I have ballet today." She explained.

Tyler scoffed. "So what? Skip it." He demanded and it was clear that he was starting to get angry again. [M/n] noticed that Ben was sleeping and that Taylor and Logan looked worried too. "Uh, Ty... we have stuff to do after school too," Taylor said. "You have a baseball practice and I have a mechanics meeting." She added.

Logan was hesitant to speak. "...I, uhm, I have to help with the flower shop today..." he spoke softly. Usually, with that tone of voice, no one would hear him but since it was already so quiet and awkward, it was easy to hear him. "See? Logan's busy too." Yin added.

Yin spoke, "Besides. I have to visit my sister.". [M/n] nodded to her words. His nose stopped bleeding a moment ago but he still held the bloody paper napkin to his nose. "I have to do... stuff..." [M/n] added, quite lamely. He knew what he would have to do. It disgusted him to no end.

"Even with that's happening, we can't just neglect school and our future," Taylor explained softly. "You need baseball. So let's just wait until tonight-" [M/n] could see that Tyler was getting angrier. He sighed in response, leaning back slightly. "We aren't going to have a future if we're dead!!"

"It's not just our future!!" Ashlyn responded, leaning forward. [M/n] nodded in agreement, playing with the string of his black medical mask. "If we drop everything to focus on fantasy-like events, we end up in the psych ward." He spoke. "Yeah. I'd rather not go to one again." Yin rolled her eyes, playing with a strand of her long white hair.

Ashlyn turned to her, her eyebrows furrowed slightly. [M/n] caught her eye and she mouthed 'again?' Which made [M/n] chuckle lightly. He gave a sort of nod and shrug, maybe half of both, that signaled that he knew but it wasn't currently important.

"Yeah, she's got a point," Aiden said. For some reason, [M/n] got angry. '[She? I was the one that said- nevermind.]' he let out a silent, annoyed huff. '[It's fine. It's not even that important.]' he thought, turning his head away. It was only a moment before he looked back at the group.

"...people would call crazy," Aiden said as he twirled his left pointer finger around his temple. He had his elbow on the table and had his cheek resting on his hand as well. At Aiden's words, Tyler scoffed. "Whatever." He said with anger in his voice. He got up to throw his food away, more like stomping away. He took only a few steps before coming back and grabbing Taylor.

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