【Chapter 6】

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Tyler, who was sitting down on the chair, scoffed. Holding his phone, he glared at the group. "Sure you did." He said, sarcasm and annoyance in his voice. "Listen, we're in the 21st century. There are billion-in-one ways of using technology to trick people." He said as he got up. "Whatever you took a picture of is what they wanted you to."

He headed to one of the rooms and gave one last glance at them. "If you want to waste your time spouting nonsense, go for it. I'm heading to bed." [M/n] scoffed and rolled his [eye color]ed eyes. "[Okay wimp.]" He said softly in his native language as Tyler shut the door.


The pencil that Ben was using snapped in two. It caused [M/n] to flinch a bit and look at the male. Aiden had gotten up from his original position and sat up. There was a brief silence before Aiden spoke. "Yeah, I don't care for him much either." Aiden glanced at Ben before asking softly "Need to go for a walk?"

[M/n] watched as Ben's shoulders lowered. The previous angry red aura dulled down as Ben shook his head. He got up and stretched. He reached for Ben's hair and gently patted Ben on the head. "Good job calming yourself down," He softly whispered into his ear.

Then [M/n] walked over to Logan, leaning onto him. Logan jumped as he took the photo and showed it to the other boys. "Let's see what the photo is about." The three boys glanced at the photo before Aiden spoke again.

"Well, isn't that strange?" He asked. He pointed to the two figures. "There's [M/n] and Ashlyn standing there." Then his finger shifted down to the shadows. "But there are three shadows there."

A shiver ran down both Ben's and [M/n]'s spines as they stared at the photo. Ben turned around and started heading to the rooms as Aiden chuckled. "You heading to bed?" he asked. Ben nodded and made his way to the room where Tyler wasn't in.

Aiden and Logan talk a bit as [M/n] stared at the photo. The extra shadow... Was the thing he saw at the Sorrel Weed house. He couldn't wrap his head around it. Tyler said that technology can be used to mess with people but it would be very hard to fake this.

And in [M/n]'s short while of knowing Logan, he knew that there was no way that he could photoshop or even prank them with this photo. "-Of having to share a bed with halfwit over there" [M/n] perked up at those words. Logan stated that he was going to sleep on the couch. So [M/n] and Tyler were sharing a bed as Aiden and Ben were sharing a bed. "Ah, understood." Spoke [M/n].


The sound of [M/n]'s phone caught the attention of the students. And it was a specific ringtone, one that made [M/n] sigh. "Sorry. Can I take?" He asked. Aiden and Logan nodded so [M/n] exited the room.

(The entire conversation is not in English! It is in your native language hence the '[ ]' parentheses)

Standing outside the door, he answered the phone. "[Hello M/n!]" came the cheery voice. He sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "[What happened this time?]" asked the [hair color] boy. Zander chuckled softly on the other side of the phone.

"[Do you not trust your older sibling?]" They asked. With an immediate 'no', Zander burst out laughing. "[Okay, okay, fine. I'm in the hospital.]" they said. "[...Is that all?]" the boy asked. "[M/n!! I'm hospitalized and I'm dying!!]" "[Did you get stabbed by Heather or Ethan?]"

There was a brief silence. "[Okay both of them stabbed you. The last time you got hospitalized you sent me a human skull.]" Said [M/n]. "[I'm not sure if it's real or fake...]"

Zander sighed from the other side. "[M/n, listen. It might be my last time. I might- might not survive...]" Zander sniffled on the other side. "[You say that every time you get into the hospital.]" the boy deadpanned. His sibling groaned and then laughed. "[I do! Fine fine, I'll leave you for now.]" The boy nodded, sighing in relief.

"[M/n, do you remember the rules?]" Zander's voice became serious and monotone. "[It, I'm not a child anymore.]" Scoffed [M/n]. "[Do you or do you not remember the rules?]" Asked Zander again but this time more firmly. Sighing, [M/n] nodded. "[Yes, I remember the rules.]"

[Rule 1. No matter where you are or where you go, stay with a trusted person

Rule 2. Always keep your emotions under control

Rule 3. Pay attention to anything and everything]

"[Good.]" spoke Zander. Then their voice went happy and cheery. "[I hope you have fun on your school field trip!! Bye-bye now!!]". There was a click then silence. The boy sighed, staring up at the night sky. '[Everything's gonna be alright.]'

After a few seconds, he quietly entered the room. Logan was sleeping peacefully on the couch shivered up in the cold. He was probably too scared to get a blanket. Aiden was nowhere in sight. He must've gone back to the room. No lights were on so they went to sleep. He fixed his sweater to cover his arms and his sweatpants.

Quietly, [M/n] took one of the folded blankets that Tyler didn't seem to want to use and went over to Logan. He was cuddled up and still wore his glasses. [M/n] carefully slipped Logan's glasses off and placed them on the table next to him. Then he spread out the blanket and placed it over Logan's body. He made sure everything was covered and smiled. "Night." He said ever so softly.

He turned and silently made his way to the room where he would share with Tyler. He was sleeping. Luckily, he slept on only one side so there was enough space for [M/n] to sleep. He managed to get under the blankets and into the bed without waking Tyler up. He closed his eyes and waited for sleep to consume him.


Just as he was half asleep an arm threw itself over his waist. Tyler, still asleep, managed to tug [M/n] closer until his back was pressing against Tyler's chest. Tylers' arms kept a grip on his waist, locking him in place as they just barely went under his sweater. "[This motherfucker is actually asleep??]" Muttered [M/n] as he tried to pull away. That did not make Tyler happy, he just yanked [M/n] back to him, holding him firmly.

"[This fucker is gay as hell.]" Said [M/n] who gave up to move. He sighed and closed his eyes and breathed steadily, falling asleep in mere seconds. Tyler, on the other hand, wasn't actually asleep. He smiled softly as he trailed his hand under [M/n]'s sweater and cuddled him. 'He's so soft!' thought Tyler as he cuddled the boy. 'And he's so comfortable.' He silently sighed in relief and went to sleep as well.





"[..n]! [M/n]!" Tyler's voice called him. [M/n] groaned softly, stretching. "Mhm, what is it?" He turned to look around and saw Ashlyn who seemed tired. His boy tensed up as he looked around again, noticing the muted colors of... Everything. The sky seemed to be red as well, which confused the male. "It's time to get off. We're in Savannah." Tyler said to [M/n] as he got up and exited the bus with Tay.

"Okay..." Ashlyn spoke next to him. She was talking to Aiden. She started to grab her bag as [M/n] placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Ashlyn, didn't we already get to Savannah..?" She halted her movements, green eyes widened as she looked at the [hair color] boy. "We did." She said softly. She looked around, confusion written on her face. The two were now alarmed at what was happening.

"So then... where are hell we?"


Have another late-night one-day written chapter! Since I haven't updated this one in a while. Gotta start updating my other books- does anyone like my other books as much as HELL ANGEL? Cause tbh this book is kind of my fave.

Anyways, please vote and comment! Tell me if there are any mistakes, I keep writing in the first person and not the third person. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


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