Chapter 5; Embarassed

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"Your skin on my skin
The room is spinning."

Ponyboys POV

When Johnny had shot up in the middle of the night and gasped loud as hell, I won't even lie, it scared the shit out of me. I'm already a light sleeper as is, so Johnny waking up from what –I assume–was a bad dream, I was able to comfort him fairly quickly. At least a little.

"Johnny?" I said, sitting up. "Johnny you okay?" I asked again, sleepily. But Johnny didn't answer. I rubbed my eyes for a moment so I could sorta see around me.

''Something's wrong."  I thought to myself.

"Johnny?' I said in a more worried tone, slightly louder than the first time."what happened?" I asked, hoping he would finally answer and tell me what was wrong. I wasn't really counting on it though.

I placed my hands on his shoulders and turned him so I could see him. I wasn't able to see very well but he did not look good. I placed my hand on his cheek but then quickly placed it back onto his shoulder again.

I wanted to turn on the light next to me so I could see Johnny more clearly but I figured if I did, neither of us would fall asleep again.

"Lay down. It'll be okay.'' I said gently.

I laid him down next to me. I laid down beside him and almost immediately wrapped my arms around him again. He wrapped his arms around my waist. He was holding on so tight i felt like i couldnt breathe.

I don't mind though.

He buried his head into my shoulder and lauded there for a while

I only realized he was crying when my shirt started getting soaked from him being curled up into my shoulder. I could barely hear him crying and his breathing pattern was weirdly normal. But, He was shivering a lot, so I did my best to warm him up with almost all of my blankets.

After about what I think was an hour or so, he finally fell asleep. I ended up staying awake for a while longer. I usually toss and turn when I'm about to go to sleep but since Johnny was holding on so tight, I really couldn't. I'm not really complaining though.


I guess I did eventually because when I woke up, Johnny was somehow still latched onto me. Again, not complaining. I laid there for a little before deciding to go out into the living room to say mornin to Soda and Darry

I did my best to slither out from Johnny's grip. And, thankfully, Johnny is one of the heaviest sleepers I think I've ever met. (maybe besides Soda). I placed a pillow where i would be, that way he wouldn't notice i was gone and wake up.

When I walked out into the living room, I wasn't too surprised to see Two-Bit, Steve, and Sodapop talking with Darry sitting in the arm chair, reading the newspaper.

Sodapop noticed I was up and smiled at me. I smiled back. I ran my fingers through my hair a little before sitting down with them and listen to whatever nonsense they were talking about.

I was once again surprised when they were talking about something random as hell. I think it was about "would you rather fight a bear or a shark" or somethin like that. It was weirdly entertaining listening to them talk as if they were high—which they most likely were— about the most random things ive heard people talk about.


After about 20 minutes, Johnny had finally woken up.

He walked through the hallway and practically the whole time, I could not take my eyes off of him.

His hair was messy, but it was in a way that made him look insanely good. His eyes were sleepy and less nervous looking.  And As I realized he was in my clothes I could feel my ears heating up.

I have never been more thankful for my long hair in my life.

He quickly caught me staring and I almost immediately looked back to Soda, Steve, and Two-bit.

I guess I hadn't noticed but they were all silent. Oh and not to mention THEY WERE ALREADY STARING AT ME.

They were all looking at me as if they caught me starin at some broad.

I have never felt more embarrassed in my life.

I tried to look away and look to the other side of me but Johnny was already sitting next to me.

WHAT THE FUCK. I screamed in my head. I wanted so badly to just disappear or suddenly go missing.

I looked over at Two-bit and he looked like he was about to tease me. I tried to look over at Steve but he looked pretty much the same. I looked over to Sodapop in an attempt to have him back me up but, ofcourse, he was no help.

Soda opened his mouth, but before i could let him say anything, i blurted out, "I need to go to the bathroom."

I stood up and walked over to the bathroom as quick as possible, looking down t my feet.

I could almost feel their eyes watching me as i left.

Hey!! Sorry for taking so long to post this chapter, i have literally had ZERO motivation for these past few weeks as well as personal issues. But i hope you guys enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing this chapter!!

||word count; 929||

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