Arc 1: Chapter 5

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  I went into the co-op dorms and see a familiar blonde, sitting on the couch. It was 5:00am. I sneak over to the couch. I peak my head over his, my hair fell above him.

"Well, you seem to be in a good mood." Lexter says looking up at me. I was wearing a cropped white hoodie and black sweat pants. I had llama house slippers on. He was in a white tee and grey pants.

"Mhm," I mumble. He grabs my head whipping me over the couch. I was in his lap, he had a hold of my shoulder, "h-huh?!"

"Couldn't resist..." he blushes as I scurry to the other end of the couch.

"Can't say I didn't like it though..." I blushed a little.

"So you did like it?" I notice a smile creep onto his face. My face heats up, a lot.

"Uh- I wouldn't say THAT..." I defend myself.

"What would you say?" he flirts. I scoot an inch towards him on the couch. He notices and scoots towards me. I scoot towards him. Til we were touching shoulders. I turn my head and it was touching his. He turned his head and stared straight at me. I could feel myself start to blush. I blink once then I felt an urge. The urge to lean in and allow our lips to touch. Intertwine like mine and Sera's magic.

I grab the collar of his shirt and touch his lips with mine. He wide eyed me surprised I actually did it.

"I actually like you... a lot Lex," I say pushing away from the kiss.

"I know," he says pulling back in. We kiss for a minute. Not making out, just letting our lips touch, it was very nice.

"..." I could feel someone stare. I pull out seeing who it was.

"S-Sera?!" I yell

"Zeph?!" Lexter gets surprised.

Sera was blankly staring and Zephyr's mouth was hung open.

"Z-Zephyr and I w-were just g-g-going to catch a new story... but I-" Sera starts still in shock.

"No, no, no! Sera, please, don't tell anyone!" I beg.

"O-okay," she awkwardly walks away leaving the shocked Zephyr. Zephyr wakes and mouths dude... to Lexter. I notice his face was pretty red.

"Um... well... I-I gotta g-go back to the girls dorm..." I recall the time. It was 5:20am.

When I get in there I see a few girls giggling and laughing at some videos. One of the girls was Trinity, she had a huge crush on Lex. No other girl could like him. Another was Quinn, she had glasses and dirty blonde hair, and the other was Marlene, the prettiest girl in the school, she had curly brown hair with deep hazel eyes that every guy fell for.

"Hey Amethyst!" Quinn yelled and waved at me. Since we all were in the same homeroom we all said hi to each other rand were decently friendly. I have a slight wave and a friendly closed mouth smile. I go back up to my dorm, and change.

I put on ripped jeans and a white t-shirt that I tucked in. My hair fell onto my shoulders. I realized it was time for breakfast so I hurry to the cafeteria.

"Gotta hurry!" I run to the cafe. When I enter the cafe I sit with Celeste and Muichiro. Celeste looked Muichiro and gave a cute smile.

"Mui, open up," she feeds him some of her eggs.

Lexter walks over and sits right beside me not saying a word. That was out of character for him... and why is he sitting here?!

"L-Lexter?!" I almost yell.

"That's my name, don't overuse it," he grins. I notice Trinity stare as she walked by. Lex was wearing the same thing he did this morning, but with black and blue tennis shoes.

"Why aren't you with Zephyr?"

"He's off working with Seralena on some story for the teachers. She's been interviewing him since early this morning when..." he stopped himself. I could see a small blush form on his face.

"Um... what?" Celeste gives a perplexed look.

"I'll tell you later," I say sort of blushing, "Oh also, Sera can by my room last night. She asked me about the forest and turns out she has um... that stuff too." I hear nod towards Muichiro.

"Yeah, Mui knows too. He has magic too," Celeste excitedly says.

"Does the whole school have magic?" I wonder out loud.

"Wait, Ameti that actually could be true! Think about it, that would explain why Laryol was so worried, she knows something. That also explains why people continue to show powers..." Celeste was on to something, "Maybe the incident caused it..."

I needed to find Red and ask about his eye. Today was a day off school.

☆〜| Amethyst find Redley around the Forest |〜☆

"Red!" I run down the hill to him. There was the school and a steep hill that leads into the forest. It was great during winter.

"Ameti? What is it?" he asked noticing my worry.

"Hey- um..." I start catching my breath from the marathon I just ran, "So how long have you seen infrared out of your eye?"

"You know, since I was born, what makes you believe me all of a sudden?"

"Nothing, I was just wondering, but I have got to go! It was good talking to you!" I ran back up the hill with a theory. Red was there, at the incident, when the Space Orb exploded. His weird eye is the cause, I think. I'll ask my number one detective.

When I find Sera she was done with interviewing Zephyr.

"Hey, Sera!" I walk into the room out of breath.

"Oh, um hey Amethyst," she replies kind of worried and surprised.

"So um... I need your help with an investigation thing. I think Redley Windward is the accidental cause of this schools magic," I explain, "Since he was born he has said that he could see infrared out of his grey eye and then when the Space Orb exploded he was there to see it. I think it reflected or absorbed some of that eye stuff, I don't really know."

"That makes a single brain cell of sense. When the Space Orb exploded the whole school watched as your um..."

"You can say it Sera."

"Your ex-boyfriend k!lled himself by jumping into it," she says.

My ex-boyfriend, Gaiya, he had helped make the Space Orb, but when it exploded everyone in the school watched him jump into it. It took a toll on me. The whole cliche scenario. It was bad, the Space Orb was going to be able to power the whole school with electricity, but when it exploded everyone was in shock. This thing killed a kid, and injured a lot of others. Some in the school don't even think about it. Red was right in front with the 12th graders. His eye power or something must've blasted back at us. Giving the school magic. 

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