Lust Potion

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(I think this is my favorite chapter I've ever written, I hope you guys enjoy <3)

They pushed in the front door and heard the loud cackling laughter from yesterday night.

Lenora shot Tom a look.

"Really?" She griped, "didn't get enough last night?! You had to torture us all"

Tom stood in the door with her not wanting to go in.

"I did not invite her" he lamented, Lenora looked at his face; he looked absolutely sick.

She knew his dilema, he had to let her down very easy. Her father worked at the ministry with Mulciber Sr and soon with Tom.

Lenora laughed at him, "looks like you're off the market Tom. Or should I call you Mr.Parkinson?" He shook his head.

"Let her down easy for me?" Tom tried to make his way towards the stairs.

"Not a chance-" she started

"NORA! TOM!" They both turned to the entrance.

Tom gave a fake smile to Delia who appeared wildly grinning.

"We were waiting for you!"

Tom walked forward and took her hand kissing it, "what do I owe the pleasure?"

Delia patted his head as he kissed her hand making him scowl.
"Oh Tommy, I'm sorry I'm not here for you" she breezed past him.

"I'm here to thank my savior" she enclosed around Nora who scrunched her nose and looked at Tom.

Not a chance he mouthed.
"How dear of you!" He said, "I better be heading off then".
"Join us won't you?" She hadn't let go of Nora who tried to lean away.
"I told Daddy I'd see you..."

Tom reluctantly followed them as Delia walked into a dining room. Lilith, Nott, Black and Abraxas sat looking vexed being held captive. A bottle sat unopened in the middle of the table.

"Red currant rum" Delia announced, "a very expensive bottle too Nora" and sat down next to her and Lenora widened her eyes at Lilith and sat next to her. Delia quickly went to her side.

"I'll have an elf bring juice and snacks". Tom sat down across from them.

"GRISKEY" Delia screeched and the Parkinson elf popped in the air next to them. Tom winced at her volume.

"Snacks." She didn't even look at the elf, "and juice. Something sweet for Ms. Rosier"

Abraxas made a face at Lenora, making her suppress a smile. She wondered where Avery was, maybe he could help distract her.

"This is so kind of you Delia" she said accepting her fate. The elf popped back next to the table putting a bottle of juice and a basket of sweets and savories.

"I am deeply in your debt" Delia said pouring her a glass of rum and juice, "when you protected Tommy and I".

Lenora saw Black crack a grin looking down at his lap. Relief flooded her, it was the first time she had seen him relax a bit since the duel.

"Happy to" she said and looked at the basket, "what did you bring?" Her voice softened a little her mood warmed by Blacks smile.

Everyone sat drinking, the conversation was jovial. Strumpet or not, Delia is fun Nora thought as Delia refilled her glass again. This time she held the glass on her lap as she did.

She must be drunk Nora thought but reached over to take a bite of a small cake.

Lilith was telling Theo and Tom about their shopping trip, Tom looked bored out of his mind nodding politely.

Lenora's Love; A Tom Riddle StoryWhere stories live. Discover now