Aaliyah checked in and waited in the room. she quietly read over her monologue while listing to goosebumps by Travis Scott in her left ear. "May we have Aaliyah Smith. Aaliyah Smith." a pretty women spoke loudly before walking back into the room. Aaliyah got up and put her AirPod into their cute shark case.

"Hello I'm Aaliyah!" Aaliyah said while smiling and waving to everyone in the room. "Hello miss Smith. no need to be scared. You may start when you're ready." a man said. he has a slight accent that Aaliyah could not put her finger on in the moment. Aaliyah took a deep breathe before starting.

"Perseus Jackson. What the actually hell were you thinking! You could have died. I had it handled. Jesus you're so lucky that you're alive. What if your father wasn't paying attention then what?!? Ugh you're so dumb seaweed brain!" Aaliyah acted. once she was finish the other in the room clapped.

"That was amazing. You would have a call back by in 10-20 days if you have the part. Put sweetheart that was actually amazing. I was about to apologize" the man with the slight accent joked with her. Aaliyah thanked them and left.

It has been exactly 12 days since the auditions, and Aaliyah still hasn't gotten a call back. Mo, Sunny and Shay came over to get Aaliyah's mind off it. they were currently live on Shay's phone.

iLovemen: Aaliyah is so 😍😍😍

Jasurnid: we need all of these girls in a movie. THEY WOULD BE SO ICONIC

ilovemymommy: is liyah going to audition for a movie or show soon

liyah smiled as she read these comments. "oh yeah! i just audition for Percy Jackson! haven't heard a call back though. Cross you fingers for me!" liyah speaks brightly as she and the rest of the girl continue to read the comments. the girl were laughing and joking around until they hear Aaliyah phone ring.

"guys! it's the casting agent for Percy Jackson! Shush!" Aaliyah screamed happily before answering the call and putting it on speaker. "Hello is this Aaliyah Smith?" the Percy on the other line asked bored. liyah replied with a small 'this is she' as she took deep breathe to stop herself from screaming out. "Congrats! You got the part of Scarlett James in the Percy Jackson series's!" the person on the other line said. Aaliyah said 'thank you' about 20 times before they said goodbye and hung up.

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