Chapter two : behave

Magsimula sa umpisa

I run toward the door but the door shuts and it's locked, all the windows are blocked. There was some sort of gas coming out of the vents, "what the hell?!"

Was that little girl tricking me?! What is happening?! I grab my gun and try to shoot the guns and windows, but nothing is working. "Fuck!" I start banning on the door.

I try use my shirt was a mask, but to my surprise. The gas has already caught up to me, I feel weak and I start to fall into the ground. "Help.." that was the last word I said before I was nocked out.

Y/n pov (woken up)

I wake up from that nightmare I sit up scared, but then my head is throbbing I lay back down. It's still hurting. What happened?

"My head hurts so much" I say while laying in bed. I can't even move because of how much it hurts. I start to look around. "Where am I?"

I get scared, was that dream real? I can't even remember what happened. I hear a door open, I look at the door and to my avail. I knew who it was, Valeria garza.

She walks in with more of a different outfit than how I would usually see her. She looks at me, shit, what the fuck did she do to me?! My head hurts, I can't move at all because the pain will be worse.

"Cariño" she walks up to me. "What are you doing?! Where am I?!" I screamed, but she kept a calm face.

"Calm down cariño, you're home." (sweetie) she placed her hand on my head. "Are you ok? Does your head hurt?" she starts to get these pills out of a drawer, no label or anything.

She grabs two pills out, gets a glass of water and hands them to me. "Here, these should help." I grab the pills. "What are you doing?" I can't remember much of what happened, I'm glad to remember my own name.

For some reason I can only remember my own name and hers.. What happened? Valeria look at me with a comforting look, "Nothing, I just wanted to check up on you. Now take the pills." I give my self a second but then I take them.

"Good job, now rest up I will check on you in a little bit. I.. have to go somewhere, there's some food on the table over there." she then pointed at the table with food on it. "Uhm... Ok.." I said, She then gets up and goes out of the room.

I lay back down. What's going on? My stomach growls, I should probably eat. After my headache is gone though.

Valerias pov

I step out of y/n and my room, walking down the hallway. I then get a call from one my workers, I pick up the phone. "¿Qué deseas?" (What do you want?), I swear if someone messes up something after the day I had. There's gonna be more happening then I planned.

"Lamento molestarla señora, pero acabamos de recibir información de que Makrov salió de prisión." (sorry to bother you ma'am but we just got information that makrov got out of prison). Shit, already?

(A/n : in this story, makrov is gonna be broken out of prison the same time valeria is out. Yk, for more story 😜)

"¿Qué pasa con Alejandro?" (What about Alejandro?) I asked changing the topic to more of a higher priority at the moment. "Él y su equipo están tratando de encontrar más pistas sobre dónde fue su miembro desaparecido." (He and his team are trying to find more clues on where their missing member went)

Only my good pet.. | valeria garza x fem y/nTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon