Chapter 9: Gonna Raise the Stakes, Gonna Smoke You Out

Start from the beginning

Thinking of Maximoffs...there was Wanda, waiting by the bedside when you entered the room.

"Yes?" You said, though it was in the form of a question. She glanced up and smiled. Wanly.

"They know I can create visions. They want to see how you react to one, that's all."

Hydra, wanted to test you? Before you could open your mouth to protest, she stood. The red light appeared, and you could almost see your fear reflect off of it.

You didn't need a vision. Not now. What if it became demented, like last time? That one was an accident, but still...

Red flashed in your eyes and you took a deep breath.

No turning back now.


[In The Vision]

A hand slammed against the window.

But it wasn't just any hand.

It was bloody.

And had your best friend not slapped his hand over your mouth, you might have yelled in horror.

You pushed his arm out of your face. "I wasn't going to yell!" You hissed, peaking back at the window, watching the hand sliding down the middle and leaving a red streak.

"Liar." Theyel whispered back.

Where were you?

You were hidden in a damn Dominos pizza building, that's where. It was more secluded than the alleyway from before, huddled together against a wall.

Chitauri were everywhere. You'd only just escaped one moments ago, and now, staying alive was your only worry.

Another body rammed into the building, and some debris rained down, and both of you covered your heads.

It was a nightmare, all of it.

His parents were gone. Your parents were gone. The Avengers were searching for you, and the Chitauri didn't help the situation.

This wasn't as bad as it could be, but it was pretty damn bad.

How Theyel was handling this so well, you never knew. The kid was freaking ten years old for gosh sakes. And yet, here he was, looking out for you when it should've been the other way around.

Speaking of other way around...your nightmare only increased.

Your friend was standing, his eyes glowing a deadly maroon, a crazed smile appearing. His voice cracked and creaked, raising in pitch demonically.

"Hello...(your name)...."

"Why are you doing this? Who do you think you are, invading my dreams, getting past Wanda? This past is all I've got left of my friend, and you, whoever the heck you are, are dementing my past. I will burn you."

The person using Theyel as their vessel grinned, laughing. "That would be useless, Ice Box. I've already been burned, in many ways. But bravo, you're finally asking the right the right questions. Any others...?"

"Hell yeah. Are you the bloody voice in my head?" You kept your distance, all the while forming an ice hard snowball in your hands.

"Why, yes. Pieces coming together now, are they? Good. And why I am doing this...eheheh...well, it wouldn't be a puzzle if I told you. As for who I am...I am the Devil. Invading dreams, scarring pasts. Welcome to my world."

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