Chapter 5- Hunted

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3rd POV (Somewhere in the Desert)

Grandpa Max has constructed a small target practice structure of strung up tires and soda cans.

"You ready?" he asked Ben, who smirks. He slams down on the watch, transforming into Diamondhead.

"Oh yeah." Diamondhead replied confidently.

"Remember to think out there, Ben. Don't just try to muscle it. 'Might isn't always right'!" Grandpa Max reminded.

"I know, but it's always fun!" Diamondhead forms his hand into a spike stump.

Grandpa Max pulls a lever, sending six cans flying in the air. Diamondhead spins around and fires six crystals, piercing each one. Grandpa Max makes target boards lower behind Diamondhead, who spins around and shoots them.

Diamondhead has restless fingers and excitedly shoots cans from behind his back and a target cactus in front. He somersaults and nails some pull-up targets a fair distance away. He morphs his spikes back into his hand and blows on his 'hot' finger. Gwen and Jen watch him from lounge chairs, applying sunscreen and lotion respectively.

"Show-off..." Gwen says in annoyance.

"Excited much?" Jen states.

Some cans come flying at Diamondhead. He bobs out of the way and shoots them behind his back, but doesn't notice a tire swinging towards him. It beans Diamondhead in the face, knocking him back and causing him to shoot crystals everywhere.

Grandpa Max takes cover. The girls screamed and hid as the crystals hit the chairs, sunscreen, and lotion bottle. As they start crawling out from under a table, the leaking sunscreen lands on Gwen's head while the leaking lotion lands in Jen's hair. Diamondhead gets up and notices his mistake.

"Sorry." he apologized. Later, they're in the Rust Bucket driving on the road.

"You nearly turned me and Gwen into kabobs!" Jen called out to Ben.

"I said I was sorry. What else do you want?" Ben asked.

"What we want is for you to take that thing on your wrist more seriously, Ben. It's not a toy. You've got to think when you use it." Grandpa Max points out.

"I know, but come oooon! You guys have seen me in action. I'm the baddest Ben in town! I've kicked so much alien butt, my feet hurt!" Ben puts his feet on the table. Gwen pushes them off.

"Yeah, well, one of these days, you're gonna screw around and get your own butt kicked, and I hope I'm there to see it!" Gwen tells him.

"Dream on, geek face!" Ben retorts.  The Rust Bucket starts sputtering and slowing down on the road. Grandpa Max managed to park the Rust Bucket in a ghost town.

"It looks like nobody's home." Jen states.

"Not for a while. My IntelliMap program says this is Slaterville. Incorporated in 1857 after the discovery of silver. Went bust in the late '50s when the mine ran out." Gwen informed.

"Why does everything out of your mouth sound like a book report?" Ben snarked. Gwen scowls at him. Grandpa Max takes his head out of the RV's hood.

"I think I found the problem. Leaky fuel line." Grandpa Max holds up a dripping tube with a crystal shard running through it.

"Uh...'lucky shot'?" Ben says sheepishly.

"I should be able to patch it up." said Grandpa Max.

"Sorry, Grandpa. Let me help! Maybe Four Arms. No, wait, Upgrade!" Ben suggested as he turns the watch dial.

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