Making out with the chef!?

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Character x Character (OMG BOY KISSERS)

Characters featured:
Rody, Vincent.

Rody was serving tables at the bistro like usual, it was nothing out of the ordinary....except for the fact that Vincent couldn't seem to keep his eyes to himself. Rody didn't mind all that much though, he was too busy going from the window to the tables...if only he had roller skates. After serving a table of four their meals, he felt someone grab him by the wrist. It was Vincent.

"Oh uh- hey boss, what's up?"
Rody asked curiously, he was very much hoping he wasn't about to be fired for something ridiculous.

"My office. Now."
Vincent said coldly, dragging Rody along with his hand still firmly around Rody's wrist.
Rody was fully confused now. Why was Vincent dragging him away from work? Why were they going to his office? He didn't try to resist since he was curious as to where this was gonna go.

As soon as they got in Vincent's Office, Vincent locked the door and pinned Rody up against a wall and kissed him passionately. Rody was caught off guard and his eyes widened, he attempted to push Vincent off but Vincent wouldn't budge. Rody decided to kiss Vincent back, whimpering slightly as he did. Vincent's arms wrapped around Rody's waist while Rody's arms rested on Vincent's shoulders. They both pulled away for air, Rody's cheeks were a bright pink colour.

"V-Vince, what was that for?.."
Rody asked in a soft tone of voice which was unlike him, he had just been so caught off guard by this..

"I've wanted you for a while, Rody. Just let me have this.."
He said softly while pulling Rody right up against him.

Rody yelped a little but slowly leaned into him. The two of them kissed passionately once more, one of Vincent's hands wandered down to Rody's thigh. Rody then broke the kiss and smirked, picking Vincent up effortlessly and putting him on the desk. However as soon as he let go, Vincent also pulled Rody onto the desk and they continued to make out. Rody moaned and whimpering softly, Vincent then started to place gentle kisses on Rody's neck. Rody was blushing heavily and he kept his mouth closed as best he could, his face was a bright pink colour after getting so flustered by Vincent's relentless kisses.

"V-Vince...fuck- ow-"
Rody said and closed his eyes a little.

Vincent smirked
"Did I hurt you, pretty boy?"
Vincent teased Rody and placed one hand on Rody's cheek.

Rody blushed more and rolled his eyes.
"Oh shut up.."
He said, denying whatever Vincent said.

"You're adorable, y'know that? It's one of the reasons I've had my eyes on someone like you for so long. You're just so irresistible.."
Vincent said, his lips leaning closer to Rody's.

Rody pulled Vincent closer and kissed him passionately which Vincent immediately reciprocated.

"Who gave you the right to be so handsome?.."
Rody asked Vincent breathlessly and Vincent giggled a little before replying.

"I'm not sure...but I'm glad you like me so much, my dear.."
Vincent said softly before kissing Rody once again.

After a very very very very long while, Vincent and Rody went back downstairs to the main/actual bistro area. Rody's blush still stained his cheeks but it was less noticeable. One if the other waiters noticed Rody's blushing and approached him.

"Hey, Rody, what's with the blush? Did you and mr boy kisser over there 'get it on'?"
The waiter asked Rody with a teasing smirk.

Rody giggled a little
He replied timidly and Vincent flashed him a satisfied smirk.

(I know they literally murder each other in game, but enemies to lovers trust‼️)
(Word count: 632)

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