Chapter 12

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I douse my self in cheap perfume before I leave this evening for the fireworks with Patrick. I am wearing my red and white striped dress that I bought a couple days ago. Even though these fireworks aren't for the Fourth of July (since we are in France), Patrick wants to celebrate it. This is because his ancestors were American and he wants to be loyal to them.

I want to make it to the Eiffel Tower before Patrick does, but it's too late. I see Patrick laying above a red blanket. He waves to me with a cheery smile on his face.

"I like your perfume, what is it?" Patrick greets you with a complement.

"Oh it's a cheap kind from Hot Topic. Its nothing too great." I explained.

Patrick decides to complement some more. "It's so fitting to you. You can't cover it up." I just smirk in agreement. I pull out the basket I brought with strawberry cakes.

"Holy Smokes!" Patrick exclaimed. Patrick always seemed to say 'holy smokes' it is his cute little catch phrase. " Marylou, you make everything better" Patrick finishes with a smile.

    This is strange. No one has ever told me that I make everything better! I'm used to hearing how I ruin everything. This is the main reason why I love patrick-what? I mean 'like' patrick.

It's going to be a few minutes before the fireworks start, and Patrick and I have finished out sandwiches already. Patrick is chewing his last piece when he says, "Oh! I almost forgot to tell you. My friends and I have started our band!" Patrick looks so thrilled.

"Oh my, your dreams might finally come true." I say back as delighted as he is.

"We already recorded our first song. It's called 'Grand Theft Autumn'" Patrick explains. I can not feel more happy for him. maybe he can finally get out of that job of his.

The lights in the park dim.
"They're starting!" I shouted to Patrick. We are now laying down looking up at the Eiffel Tower. A spark is flying up to the right side of the tower.BOOM! It turns into a massive ball of red. Many other colors follow that one. Different shapes and sizes of sparks burst into bouquets of colors. Minutes have pasted and it is sadly over. I didn't realize that I was strongly grasping onto Patrick's hand the whole time. I let go after the realization.

"How was that?" Patrick asked me.

"It was beautiful." I said plainly That was the only thing I could think of at the moment.

"Not as beautiful as you." Patrick says while staring into my eyes. Moments have past. It feels like hours, but it has only been ten seconds. "I'm sorry... It's just... I really want to kiss you right now." I confess to Patrick. Patrick seems surprised but relieved.

"I'll tell you what, if we see a shooting star, then I'll kiss you." Patrick bets. I smile in agreement

"You know, these fireworks are kind of like us. They are going off too soon. Just like your trip. You have to go back to Canada soon." Patrick says in a forlorn way. This realization hits me.

"It doesn't have to be that though." I say. Not knowing what I meant. We sit , what feels like hours again, just staring up. Hoping, just this once, for a shooting star. But nothing. We finally sit up to clear our space up and head home. But suddenly, I feel lips lock around mine.

Patrick is kissing me! I am unable to think. These fireworks around my heart are more than I bargained for. They are much better than the fireworks we just saw, and those were pretty great. He unlocks his lips.

"W-why? There wasn't a shooting star." I ask confusingly.

"Ma Chéri, YOU are a shooting star." He says before pulling me into another kiss. I am realizing so many things in this evening.

In the end I'll do it all again I think your my best friend. Patrick is who I want to be with. France is where I want to live. This is the life I want to live. This reminds me of a statement that Dan once told me on our date. He mentioned something called 'L'appel du vide' this means that we are pulled towards something because it's the strongest thing we can do. Being here, living this life, is the strongest thing I can do and it's calling me.

I let go of the kiss, "I found the cure to growing older," I tell Patrick.

"and your the only place that feels like home." ❤️

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