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After a week spent in their cramped hotel room, it had become obvious to anyone that all three women were becoming impatient with how long it was taking to get the information they needed before they could storm in guns blazing. Natasha was becoming agitated with their slow pace, Wanda was becoming frustrated with how closed off Y/n was being with them, and Y/n just wanted the mission to be over so that she could go back home.

" Y/n, will you come with me to go walk around the town? We've been cramped up in here for a whole week and Natasha might kill me if I ask her another favor." Wanda whined, lightly holding onto Y/n's arm. Y/n looked uncomfortably outside, it was a warm day out and she was wearing a pair of baggy jeans and a large sweatshirt. If Wanda wasn't actively holding onto her arm, she never would have guessed that she had any muscle on her at all.

" Uh, are you sure Wanda, we wouldn't want to give our location away before we have all our information in order?" Y/n asked, her uncertainty heightened in this new place. Wanda pouted at the question and tugged on her arm.

" C'mon, it'll just be a small walk with some sight-seeing. We won't even buy anything, I just need to get out and do something." Wanda complained, holding on tight to Y/n's arm as she attempted to walk away.

" Fine, I'll come with you, but we are gone for no more than an hour." Y/n relented. Wanda released Y/n's arm and ran to grab her shoes, barely letting the statement register before going to get ready. Y/n chuckled and walked over to her bag and pulled out her sneakers. She slid them on easily before moving back to the entrance to the apartment. Grabbing her phone and her wallet just incase, she placed her items in her pockets and waited by the door for Wanda. Before she knew it, Wanda was right in front of her and was eagerly pulling the front door open and dragging Y/n out with her. Without having to control her body in any direction, Y/n took the time to admire the outfit Wanda had chosen for the day. She was wearing a loose band t-shirt that looked to be a size or two bigger than her and a pair of black ripped jeans along with a pair of all black converse. Y/n watched the way Wanda's hips swayed lightly as she walked the two of them down the stairs and into the lobby.

" Did you have any specific places in mind that you wanted to see?" Y/n asked casually, her arm having been let go and resting softly in her pocket. Wanda paused, looking like she was thinking hard and allowing Y/n to catch up and walk beside her rather than behind her.

" Not really," Wanda said after a long pause," I just wanted to see the town we were staying in and get out of that stuffy hotel room."

The two women made their way down the many different sidewalks. They looked in all the different stores and walked through the multiple markets that were set up in the street. By the time the had decided to make their way back to the apartment, they had been out for about half an hour, and it would take them about another half hour to walk their way back to the hotel.

" I still don't know how your not hot, I'm over here dying in less clothes than you." Wanda exclaimed, laughing at the light blush that covered Y/n's cheeks, Y/n having been caught off guard by the question.

" I am hot, I'm just...not a big fan of showing much skin." Y/n looked down at her feet, choosing to kick a rock she found rather than look at Wanda after saying that.

" Hey, don't ever feel bad about showing off those amazing muscles I know you are hiding under there." Wanda joked, grabbing Y/n's wrist to get her to look at her. " And if me or Nat ever make you uncomfortable about anything, just tell us okay. We want to be your friends and we can't do that if you don't tell us how you feel." Y/n smiled softly.

" Wanda I-" Y/n stopped and turned her head quickly to the right. Wanda stopped and watched Y/n with a confused look on her face. Y/n looked around quickly, having heard the sound of a pistol being loaded.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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