The mission

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It had now been two months since that first night y/n showed up. She had made a point of avoiding everyone. The only times the team saw her was in training and the occasional sighting of her in the kitchen. Other than that, she was a ghost. Natasha and Wanda were definitely feeling it the most. They had thought they were bonding in those first moments, but it appears that they had thought wrong.

The couple was now in the library together, cuddled up on the couch, each enjoying their own book and the comfortable silence that was around them. However, Wanda had not stopped thinking about y/n since they had picked this spot as their designated hang out spot of the day.

" Do you think y/n hates us?" The witch asked, breaking the silence. Natasha put her book down and looked over to Wanda.

" I don't think she hates us. We just don't know much about her. She could just be like this normally." Natasha said with a shrug of her shoulders. In reality, Natasha was simply trying to convince herself that the new recruit didn't hate her as well. 

" But, she's friends with Maria." Wanda said, before an idea came to her. " What if we asked Maria how she became friends with her."

" Are you sure that's a good idea? I've known Hill for a while now and she was never really the type of person to just go around telling all her friends secrets."

"But..." Wanda pouted.

" Listen, I know you want to get closer to her. So do I. But these things have to come naturally. It may take longer than it did for us, but when the time comes, we will be there for her." Wanda sighed. She knew her girlfriend was right, no matter how much it hurt to think about waiting.

" I know, I just wish we could see her for more than a few minutes a day so we could form that bond." Wanda spoke sadly. Natasha placed her hand on Wanda's knew and rubbed slow circles over it.

" I do too love, I do too." Natasha pulled Wanda into a comforting embrace, the couple sitting in a comfortable silence once more before it was interrupted by Natasha's cell phone ringing.

" You've gotta be kidding me." The widow mumbled under her breath, detaching herself from the witch and pulling her phone out. 

" Whose the call from?"

" Fury." The older woman spoke, confusion lacing her voice. She answered and put the phone on speaker.

" Romanoff, are you with Wanda as of right now?" Fury asked, his voice stone cold.

" Yes, she is right next to me, why?"

" Good, the two of you are needed in the meeting room asap." With that, Fury hung up the phone leaving the two women in silence. Natasha looked up from the phone in her hand to her girlfriend in front of her. Not one second later, Wanda looked up to meet her gaze and in one silent move the women were up from their seats and moving out of the room.

Within a few minutes they were stood outside of the meeting room. The couple took a second to compose themselves before carrying on inside the room. With a look from Natasha and a deep breath from Wanda, the couple opened the door and entered. However, their confusion only grew when they walked into an empty room. Aside from Fury, there was no one else in the room.

" Thank you for getting here quickly, take a seat. We are just waiting for one more person." Fury spoke in an even tone, giving away no hints as to what this meeting had been called for. The couple exchanged a glance and sat at the opposite end of the table, across from the director. Before either the Witch or the Widow could get settled in their seats and ask any questions, the door opened. They watched the door with a newly peeked interest in what this meeting was for as y/n walked in and took a seat close to the door. 

" So, now that all three of you are here, I can disclose with you the reason I brought you in here. I have a mission for you all. It is an undercover mission in Romania to take down a small crime ring that had connections with Hydra." He placed a folder onto the table. " After Hydra was taken down, they began selling the weapons and drugs that came from their experiments. We had been trying to get a lead on them for ages and we finally got it." He pulled a photo out from the folder and placed it down with force for the girls to see. " This man is your mission. You are all to follow him around and find out where their main base is and bring it to the ground. The rest of the Avengers and SHEILD will be on standby as your backup if this mission becomes too dangerous, but I believe with all of your differing abilities in the filed, you three will be a good match for this case. Any questions?"

The three women sat there, taking in all of the information they had just heard. Wanda turned to look at Natasha, seeing her determined look she gets when she is given any mission. She then turns her gaze towards y/n. She was sitting in her chair with a focused look on her face, but there was something else there that she couldn't quite place.

" What time do we start this mission?" Natasha asked, breaking the short silence.

" Tomorrow, the hotel room has already been booked for you all and the coordinates are already in the quinjet." 

" How long will we be gone for?" y/n asked. The couple had forgotten just how much they enjoyed hearing her voice.

" Based on our estimations, about a month and a half to two months." Fury's response was enough to break whatever emotion had been on y/n's face before, as her eyes widened and she stood quickly from her seat.

" What, I can't do a mission for that long! What about my family visits!" Y/n hesitated, yelling much to the surprise of everyone else in the room.

" What about them? You're an adult, just tell them you'll be gone for longer than normal." Fury replied, choosing to ignore the outburst.

" But-"

" No but's. You are needed on this mission and there is no one else on this team with your specific skill set. You can't be replaced on this mission."

The couple watched as a pained expression overtook the younger woman's face. She was panicking, but why was something neither woman could figure out. However, as quickly as the expression was put on her face, it was gone. Instead, it was replaced by a cold expression. Natasha knew that expression all too well. She was hiding something and the couple knew it.

" You're right Fury, I apologize for my outburst. May I leave." Y/n spoke like a robot, simply saying the words and not meaning them.

" Yes, but you all need to get up early tomorrow morning. The quinjet leaves at 6 am." Without a word spoken, y/n had left the room in a blur. Natasha and Wanda had tried to catch up to her, ask her if she was okay and maybe just get to hear her voice one more time, but they had no such luck as by the time they were out in the hallway, she was gone. Wanda turned to Natasha.

" Maybe you were right about just waiting. Now we get to spend two months alone with her." The thought made the couple smile.

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