Meeting y/n

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-Wanda's pov-

I walked out of the meeting room with Nat almost bouncing down the halls in front of me. I chuckled to myself and turned to Steve.

" So, how do you feel about having a new person on the team?" He looked over at me and smiled.

" I think it'll be nice to have the extra help around here. Plus from what I heard, she's not exactly a normal person." He said, still smiling brightly at me. My jaw fell to the floor.

" Who told you that?" I asked almost yelling at him.

" Fury."  Before I was able to respond, we were in the living room. I sighed.

" This conversation isn't over." I turned from Steve and walked over to Nat, sitting down with her.

" What were you guys talking about?" Nat asked, looking somewhat concerned.

" Just talking about how Steve felt about having someone new on the team." Nat visibly relaxed, her anxiety having been put to rest.

" Do you think we should go knock on doors until we find hers?" Nat asked. The guys all started laughing. Nat frowned. " What?"

" Nothing, you just sound a little too obsessed with someone who you haven't even met." Sam said. Nat narrowed her eyes at him and stood.

" Run." Sam practically leapt from his seat and bolted for his room. He turned his head back towards Nat as she was chasing him and stuck his tongue out at her. He laughed and turned his head back just in time to collide with agent Hill, both immediately falling straight to the ground.

" S-sorry Hill, Nat was chasing me." Sam said as he held out his hand, helping her up.  After Maria was back up on her feat, we all noticed that she was by herself.

" Where's the new recruit?" Bucky asked. Maria sighed and pinched the ridge of her nose.

" She's still unpacking, you guys need to chill."

" Hey, we are just excited. We haven't had a new member in forever." I said, with everyone nodding in agreement.  Maria opened her mouth to say something back to us, but was cut  off by someone walking into the room.

" Hey, Maria, I started building the bed frame with the instructions upside down, should I keep building it upside down, or flip it over?" y/n asked, staring down at an instruction manual. We all stopped and stared, realizing she probably thought we were still in our meeting. Maria turned towards her.

" y/n?"

" Yeah." she replied still not looking up.

" Look up please." She looked up and my heart nearly exploded. She was perfect, I could get lost just staring at her. I hoped Nat was feeling the same. However my daydream was cut short when her eyes widened and she turned and walked back the way she came. I frowned, already missing her face. " Sorry guys, she isn't very with introductions."

" Is she down to come to tonight's training session?" Steve asked. I rolled my eyes at his answer. It was a complete Steve question.

" I guess, but I'll come with. Me and her are friends."

" Then it's settled. We meet her at training tonight." Steve announced. Now we just had to wait. God 5 o'clock couldn't come any faster.

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