The Secret

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-Y/N pov-

I was scared. It had been so long since I had been around such a small amount of people. I now I was stuck lodged in between the two most attractive women I had ever been around. I didn't know what to do. How do I tell them that me bleeding is not something they need to worry about. How do I tell them that in an hour my healing will have made my injury obsolete. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard Wanda's voice from next to me.

-Wanda's pov-

I was worried when Natasha practically snapped y/n's jaw in her first hour with the team, but she looks like she could care less about her bleeding mouth.

" Hey pretty girl, what are you thinking about?" I asked, the nickname slipping out naturally. Her eyes focused as she looked up at me, almost guiltily. She looked down and sighed.

" I think I should tell you guys something before you waste your time in medbay." she said staring at the floor. I looked over to my right and made eye contact with Nat, who had the same confused and concerned expression as me. 

" It wouldn't be a waste, we just want you to be safe. You're part of the team now." Natasha said, trying to convince her that she was worthy of being taken care of.

" No that's not it, I have healing abilities. In an hour this will be gone without a trace." she said, gesturing towards her crooked jaw. I stare at her in shock, not really expecting a shield agent to have powers that weren't mentioned. 

" I-Is that it?" Natasha asked after a second or two of staring. Y/n looked up for a second before her eyes retook their place on the floor.

" No, I have super strength and speed, and enhanced senses." She said in almost a whisper. I looked over at Nat and saw her staring intently at y/n, almost begging for an explanation.

" Does Fury know about them?" I asked, wanting to understand things now more than ever.

" It wasn't important, I've gotten used to being normal," she looked up at us, her jaw already looking better than 10 minutes before," but no one in this building is normal, figured I should tell someone before it became a problem."

" Why would it be a problem?" Natasha asked, a confused look on her face.

" I'm really bad at excuses, now can I go heal in the peace of my room." She says, not once looking up at us. Before either of us could respond she pushed past us and walked off towards her room. Me and Natasha stood in shock, looking at the spot she had just been in. 

" Do you think she was lying to us?" Nat asked after a moment of silence.

" Did you see her jaw, it had already started healing just from just talking to us."

" Well, if she wasn't lying, then she definitely wasn't telling the whole truth."

" Well that's obvious, but we're not gonna get something out of her if we keep pushing her without getting to know her first."

" I guess you're right, we can try again at dinner later tonight."

Her Secret-WandaNat x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now