Chapter 5

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Tsunami's POV

"Hello, welcome. Good job on finding your way here." I said there was an air of nervousness everywhere. "So originally, Sunny was going to be here, but since my brother was here. I am as well (sorry. I don't remember the exact words of the book) I said again, and again, there was no response. "I am the head master of this school. Originally, I wanted to do the recruiting of dragons, but according to everyone, I would be terrible at that, so here I am, the Headmaster. " This time, people nodded their heads.

"All right, Sunny did not think I would be able to do a good job at this, so I am proving her wrong. How about we introduce ourselves.  favourite colours, name, age, what you like to do. Etc, " I said. Suddenly, a smile appeared on one of the dragonet's faces. A Mudwing. "Alright, I will start," I volunteered, "So, my name is Tsunami, I am one of the founders of this school. I am great at fighting. Oh, and I LOVE fish." I continued. I realised that no one was going to go next, not unless I called for them. Buy before I could say anything the Icewing called up.

"So, are you the person to come and talk to to change stuff?" I looked at him confused but answered his question nonetheless. "Um... Yes." I was still confused."Oh, good, cause, I would like to change discussion groups. I would like to be with OTHER Icewings." He blurted out
"Um... that is not how the winglets are set up." I said. He was obviously annoyed. But then the Skywing said something. " So, are we like, stuck with this group?" Now I am just annoyed. There are too many questions at once, in my opinion.

"Um, yes, you could say that." I said, trying to make myself heard over all these questions. "I love our Winglet." Kinkajou volunteered. [Yes, don't worry, we know.] I thought. "When do we eat?" The Mudwing asked. "Just kidding, I was pretending to be Clay." Then he looked over at the sandwing. "Ha! Actually, I brought food," I yelled as I brought out a carved stone bowl full of fish. Kinkajou had a look of disgust plastered on her face.

Turtle quickly took two, stuffing one in his mouth. I noticed tension between the Icewing and one of the Nightwings. But the sandwing intervened and gave the Nightwing a fish. She thanked him, and he smiled crookedly at her. [Omg, let's just get this over with], I thought. "Right introductions," I said, " Carnelian? Want to go first?" She obviously didn't want to, but then breathed a deep sigh. "I am Carnelian, I'm a loyal subject of Queen Ruby, I am in the camp that believes Scarlet is dead, I am here because my queen told me to." She frowned even hard, "and my favourite colour is red."She finished.

"Alright, good to know... Kinkajou?" I asked. The pink and yellow of her scales somehow became brighter. She talked so fast, and happiness rippled in her voice as she talked about herself and her connection with Glory. I got a little if focused, and soon, everyone was done with their introductions. Now, it was the strange looking Nightwings turn.


Ok, so it is my turn to introduce myself. "OK, um, my name is Y/n. My favourite fruit is y/f/f and my favorite colour is y/f/c. I am best friend with Moon, and the reason why I am here is because I wanted to escape the village and so I tagged along with Moon." [Maybe that was a bit too long of a introduction.] I could hear myself think. [Oh, cool, so that is why she is hear, I wonder if she will tell us why she looks like that, who am I kidding.  Why should she.] I heard a different voice. I was Qibli's. But hen there was another voice, saying just one word. [Freak!!] I could not tell who it was, but all I know is that it hurt me.

A while past and dragons had stopped asking questions, mostly because Tsunami ordered us to stop and go hunting. Finally we were out of the caves and into the sky. I could feel the soft wind on my wings. I looked back and saw Moon diving down. I tried to spot what she was hunting but didn't find it until she had caught it. It was a large goat.

Soon I saw Qibli fly back to her and start chatting. They seemed to be having a good time. Suddenly I was hit with a feeling, one I have never experienced before. It was not in the stomach or the Head or the throat, but in the heart. I was jealous. But then I felt guilty, I can't belive that I was feeling jealous, because of a boy. I shook my head hoping that the jealousy would come out. As long as Moon was happy. I was happy.

I looked over my shoulder on last time and saw Qibli flying towards me. My white cheeks turning a rosy pink. I was waiting for him to come but he did not. He flew right past me, to Turtle, the seawing. [Maybe, I should go to her, what would I say. I would just stutter and make myself look like an idiot.] Suddenly my saddnes changed to hope and I heard his thoughts. I guess he was not just ignoring me. And my cheeks turned from rosy pink to dark crimson.


A/n - Thabk you for reading and please vote for this book, it would really encourage me to keep writing

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