Chapter 1

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You are a white nightwing with red stars under your wings. You can see the future and read minds. You are also an animagus, but no one knows, not even your best friend.

All writing that is but in [] are thoughts from Moon or anyone else.

You wake up to the lovely sound of Secretstar yelling. "Wake up, you useless slug!!" That was how every single day started for you, not by the sound of the wind through the trees, not by the sweet singing of birds, but by the grumpiest dragon you knew, yelling at you.

You got off your bed and stretched before she could yelling again. You quickly went downstairs and grabbed a coin from the table. "Hey! Where do you think you're going off with that coin!!" She yelled , you are already in the air when you turn around. You had a big smile on your face. "How else do you expect me to get breakfast!" You yelled back. You loved annoying Secretstar, so seeing her face change from how it normally looks too extremely annoyed made you so happy.

You knew that to get the food you wand you have to go to the market but first you wanted to make a quick stop to your favourite house.

You landed in front of a small brown door, you knocked on it, and the door handle started to move. The door opened to reveal a beautiful nightwing with teardrop scales by her eyes, "Hello besty!!"You exclaimed. "Oh, Hey y/n. Did you eat breakfast yet, or are we going to the market?" She asked, you replied with one word. "Market." Moon nodded and went inside. You knew that she was only getting some things before to go off.

You and Moon were best friends for one reason, both of you were seen as strange things, and non dragons. You were both outcasts in the village. Moon with her powers and teardrop scales and you with your powers and your strange appearance.

Moon walked out of her house, said goodbye to her mother, and we took off into the sky. There was an awkward silence between us. Suddenly, Moon opened her mouth as if to speak but closed it again. You could tell that something was wrong. "Everything OK moon?" You asked. She looked at you. Her eyes sad. "So... um... I have been accepted to Jade Mountain Academy." You look at her confused, "That's amazing!! Why are you sad about that?" You ask her. "Well... because that means that I will be leaving you here." Now you understood why she was sad. "Hey, my mom hates me, I will come with you, she will be happy to see me leave, most likely I will have to fly there by myself." You smile at her. Her spirits have been lifted, and she smiled back.

You spot the market and dive down, Moon follows after you.

You land, but in a funny way, making you lose your balance and fall. Moon, on the other hand, lands gracefully. "Show off." You told her, and you both burst out laughing.

Suddenly, a rock came flying and hit you on your head. You turned around and saw a group of young dragonets laughing at you. One of them had two more rocks in their hand. "Hey... wierdo!! Go back to where you belong!!" One of them said. "Oh wait, you don't belong anywhere, well hopefully the trash bins will take you in. They are the closest family you've got!!" The one holding the rocks said. "Hey!" I looked at Moon, [Hey, Moon, it's fine i am used to it] Since Moon can read minds, you knew that she heard you.

You started to walk towards your favourite fruit shop. You turned around and noticed that Moon was not following you, so you made a certain arm movement telling her to come. She followed you.

You both entered the small hut made of vines and leaves. You walked to the baskets of fruits and picked a y/f/f. You turned and started walking to the counter. "Sorry, we don't serve things like you." The person at the desk said. You knew he was new. You always shoped here for breakfast. Suddenly, a yellow rainwing came  in from the back door. This was the one who was normally at the counter. "Now, now hunter, you must serve every customer we get." He told the nightwing named Hunter. "What!! But she is a creature, she is not a dragon!!!" Hunter said. "She is as much of a dragon as you!" The yellow raining said. " Plus, we are forced to serve her anyway, the Queen and Starflight said so."

You gave the coin to Roger and left the hut. Moon said that she had to go prepare because she is going to leave tomorrow at midday. So, you fly back home, on the way there you ate the y/f/f that you bought.

You land home and open the door. Secretstar is sitting in her study. "What are you doing here?" She asked and an annoyed rone of voice. "I live here." You reply, trying to make it sound as bitter as possible. "Anyway, I am going to Jade Mountain Academy tomorrow with Moon." Secretstar didn't say anything. But you didn't care what she thought.


A/n - so there is going to be a change, instead of using (you), I will be using (I/first person)

Thank you for reading chapter 1!!!!😁

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