Chapter 7. Fracture

Start from the beginning

San scoffs. "You're dramatic."

"And she's not?" Wooyoung turns to glance at San, who in turn looks right back at him.

"Stop it." San smiles, looking away after a moment.

"You're not telling me that I'm wrong." Wooyoung teases, raising his glass of wine to take a small drink.

San glances at him again, smirks, then looks away for a final time.

"Tell me something." Wooyoung is still looking at him, holding his nearly empty wine glass carefully.

"Like what?"

"How'd you meet Sun-hee?"

San takes another drink before sighing, staring out into the darkening sky and the vast city lights. Wooyoung continues to look at him, patiently waiting for whatever story the elder seemed so hesitant to tell.

"It was kind of weird circumstances," San starts quietly. "I was at a gala with my father, and she happened to be present. We said nothing more than hello to one another then, but somehow she found my contact information. I was hesitant at first, but after a month of talking, she insisted that we go out and, at the time, I had an attitude of: 'ah, fuck it. What could go wrong?' Little did I know what it would lead to."

"So it wasn't some magical love at first sight?"

San laughs quietly, raising his brows. "Hell no. I've never believed in something like that. Life isn't a Disney movie, as far as I'm concerned. She was interested in me, and over time I felt the same feelings as she did, so I asked her out."

Wooyoung watches San talk, noticing his brows pinching as his sentence ends, chest tightening subtly, taking a hesitant breath inwards. He was hiding something again.

"Say it."

"Say what?" San turns to look at Wooyoung, and Wooyoung raises an unenthusiastic brow at him. "God– what? How do you just know that I'm holding something back?"

"I can read you like a book, Choi San. Now spill." Wooyoung takes another sip of his wine, smiling when San groans.

"Fine. If you must know, the relationship has never been healthy. I'm sure you can see that."

"Of course I can. The bitch's personality–" Wooyoung's eyes widened. He's had too much red wine for this conversation. "Sorry. Her personality is a complete red flag."

San laughs again. "You can be truthful to me, Wooyoung. I know you don't like her."

"Well, once upon a time, you got mad at me for degrading her."

"I'm choosing not to take it seriously, and we're both kind of drunk. So just say what you want to. We're friends now, aren't we?"

"And we're boyfriends, don't forget." Wooyoung raises a teasing brow this time, smirking at the elder as he turns his gaze away again.

"You're a shithead." San scoffs. "But anyway, yeah. I know. She is extremely jealous and always has been. She wants my attention on her all the time, and being in this kind of situation has elevated her tendencies immensely. She's protective, always wants to know where I'm at, wants to know when I'm doing something with you, wants to know why I'm with my friends–"

"That's not protective." Wooyoung tilts his head slightly. "That's controlling."

"I know it is." San admits quietly. "But I love her. So what can I do?"

"Stand up for yourself?" Wooyoung squints, shrugging. "Maybe? Possibly? Give her a taste of her own medicine?"

"You have too much faith in me." San sighs, almost defeatedly this time, taking another drink of soju. "I hate making her cry, Wooyoung. So, most of the time I just end up saying next to nothing."

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