Your breath

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Chapter three
My mind filled with dragons, the three as I would later call them, Krijaler's voice rode over Hrush and Gandrilla's to tell me Davilla was hunting the tooth and that he could be responsible for the theft, this gave me an idea that I hoped would work, I said out loud to the black mercenary Davilla won't's her alive for some sacrifice or to get the power she took with the tooth, I could see his eyes widened with surprise in the helmet's cut away as Lana said you how could you be such a fool to think anything good for us could happen out of giving the tooth to a rouge Dragon, the black started coughing making the knife draw blood Lana screamed then grabbed the knife hand with both of her hands giving me time to run in and take the blade from her throat, Lana stood looking at me with disgust in her eyes, I knelt by the black and removed his helmet only to see how close to death he was my name Sir is Trist I'm from three pines and am sorry to have lied to you but Lana's life is important to the pines, blood ran from his mouth, my nam-ha! is Madison I'm a mercenary he coughed again but it was his last because death took him, Lana said, I was important to the pines but now Davie won't speak to me, Lana a lot has happened in the last two weeks but with the people of the pines in danger and the dragon Davilla hunting the tooth the fighting is not over until the tooth gets back to mount Eldswere, only two of her crew remain active a girl named Tay with a bow and two daggers one on each hip her green buckskins and a floppy hat made her look like a Hunter the other was Lagger a warrior type who I disliked the first time I met him in Lana's rooms his armour all needed care rust was on his sword his tunic was filthy when fitted out he looked the lazy shit he was with a spear bow and axe he was needed so back we went to the pines, by an out of the way track around the mountains, Lana found the box with the tooth in Madison's saddlebags, my horse was dead I rode Madison's black stallion a proud beast it took a while but it settled under me we stayed in thick Forrest as much as possible because twice the sound of large wings was heard flying over us, my thoughts on us fighting the big Davilla had me thinking about power bows because when I visited the village of Stine years ago I saw leg bows used for the first time they would send a fine string from the six foot arrows to the top of cliffs so a climber could tie it off after pulling a rope up for climbing I remember the power of the bows so told Lana of my ideas for the bows, we entered the village at sunrise Stine was the same beautiful place I'd remembered, the people fed us and were happy to help us after Lana offered gold if we could forge extra iron arrow heads so back at three pines we could make extra arrows, the demonstration was a hit with the four of us but our accuracy was terrible we all tried, I offered a fortune in gold if bow volunteers would come with us to fight a dragon but I told them the Eldswere dragons would be grateful to them and receive them in the mountains with love I went overboard but needed bowmen good bowmen, we loaded the nine foot long bows of ash wood on the pack horse provided with ten of the six foot long arrows extra strings the releace clips for six bows and extra heads I was hoping the three volunteer bowmen had the guts to fire at dragons, all seven of us made camp late in the thick Forrest with no fire to give our position away but smoke came to us from the fire Davilla was spraying everywhere behind us the wind helped him to try and burn us out into the open, we got to a creek and put wet cloth over the horse's heads to help with the smoke but even hobbled they panicked that's when I got the leg bowmen to roll out the mats they use and prepare for an attack I even got a spare bow and lay ready in hope of a lucky arrow because we only had a couple each, the poison needed we don't have but a root found locally was said to be deadly so deadly a drop of the juice killed a twelve-foot crocodile dead in seconds Lana was convinced it was enough so we waited the fire past us not doing much damage Davilla needed to use his flame to raise the heat but it was a big Forrest so mist us we thought until a wind came from the wings of death himself, flame followed we built hides that made seeing us harder but didn't know how well they worked one of the leg bowmen attached the trigger handle placed an arrow slid his feet into the stirrups securing his bow lifted his legs drew back released his trigger and swoosh his shaft straight as it hit the front right for-leg, Davilla! screeched as he bit then pulled the barbed head trying to remove it but ended up flying off, I got up ran to the leg bowman you got him incredibly you got him first shot Lana came over hugging me then clutched my arm and pulled me to her hide Tris I need to talk with you about this change in our lives we sat on her mat talked for a bit when she took my hand and said we have been close so long it took this mess for me to see how much I need you every time I see you now my heart hurts knowing you won't be at the pines anymore Tris please think on it and we will talk, I think she expected me to leave then but something happened if I stood she would see my manhood trying to escape my pants my face went red then ohhh are you alright Tris you look funny I was relieved when she said water and rushed out, as we mounted to leave Lana rode up, Tris are you well now you were an odd colour, sorry I'm fine now we should be back at the pines soon but need to send someone in first to get an escort about twenty soldiers could hide us amongst them if they ride in on time from a patrol as if nothing were wrong, Tris why don't we just rush in Lana the town we have to ride through it to get behind the walls of the pines and safety sorry she said I'm just wonting this over, to our surprise the dragons of mount Eldswere told me to be ready for a parade arranged by them, under the eyes of all the tooth was to march back to the battle stage for the next Dragon Lord, from the trees we watched as all the dragons even Davilla landed to line the road leading up towards three pines and the Eldswere mountains Krijaler said in my mind you have taken the sting from Davilla his forearm is swollen and whatever you used does not agree with him I said just a root but said to kill crocodile so I hoped to hurt him, as the guards from the pines arrived to lead us and the tooth held high back to the mountains I saw the ice dragon with his neck wrapped in a mud-covered net bandage the next dragon along was Davilla his hate radiating out I hoped that the ice dragon wasn't a friend of his but could not believe he was, Lana and I had a plan if an attempt was made to take the tooth but apart from the hate felt by all nothing happened, in the mountain, Krijaler and Gandrilla met us with the thanks of Eldswere displayed on a banquet table fit for a king all eight of us eat as the leg bows were inspected by Hrush in a room close by when he entered a servant carried the leg bow and its equipment but I saw an iron arrowhead in his claw he tossed it to Gandrilla who court it lazily in his claw (the arms were as good as our arms I thought) Hrush said who invented the leg bow one of the Stine bowmen grovelled his way to stand before Hrush who said you are equal here so please be at ease yes Lord he said my father said a blacksmith over two hundred years ago made the first now but over time it became as you see it, Lord, Hrush spoke in mind to Gandrilla but let me and Krijaler hear it as well, in the time of the first dragon Lord it could have changed the outcome easily we are meant to be humans friends if we live without them we die this proves it so I will the be first dragon to fight for the tooth with a human in full control but the bows must be placed at the entrances of the mountain and we need other bowmen training to be at the pines, Grandrilla said what of the bows used on dragons can they not be updated with bigger bows, Hrush waved to a servant who unrolled a large sheet of paper it had plans for a double recurve bow made from horn and timber glued together and painted with resin to waterproof it, he said this comes from a land on the other side of the world the plans are here but my Frend from the mountains their promist me bows would be here by now but they come by sea in human ships no word have I had of them, I asked when do the fights start only to cringe when all three dragons boomed, tomorrow at noon, in my room that night after two hours on Hrush's back he tried giving full control to me but panicked almost killing us after that we quit so I went to bed only to have Lana sneak into my room I woke with a dagger out but her perfume told me it was her I said I could have killed you shhhh she said you will wake up from this dream soon enough how often do girls come to boys beds I was naked so looked for my pants but she sat beside me it's alright Tris I only need to talk do you think I'm going to rape you or something my mouth opened to object but she said its cold do you only have one pillow, as she in her night slip slid under the cover with me I said I'm naked she smiled the moonlight was enough for me to see her breasts clearly as her nipples hardened exposing their location in a way that made me lift a leg to keep her away from my manly bit but her hand went to my chest to touch my nipplle it hardened under her hand she ooh ahh if that does that I almost sat up as her hand grabbed my penise but she was strong enough to hold me still I lowered my leg she smiled at me I have dreamed of you so much but was to stay away from men Da said because my apprenticeship was so important to him but now I'm free to do as I won't and I won't this Tris I won't you my hardness hurt it wanted her so much but when my lips touched hers and I ran a hand over her breasts she lay back sighing I rolled to the side kissed her lips breasts and pulled her night silk up over her body and let it fall to the floor she kissed me hard saying I've never been touched before it is wonderful I ran my hand down to a surprise her public mound cupped perfectly in my hand the softness of it was unbelievable my excitement had me out of control I kissed my way down to her neck the breasts belly and climbed over a leg to be between heavens doorway and my desire my lips worked down parted her soft fur then found an unknown pleasure she arched her back as my toung parted her oyster's doorway she moaned and grabbed my hair but it wasn't enough I had to I needed to I ran my lips up to her mouth as she gided me to her she said slowly please I entered heaven in and out more and more until she pulled me all the way in with a full arch of her body I felt so good if only it could last forever but my hips rolled I needed she needed we meet lips together as we arched in climax my first time with a woman but not my last that morning I wanted every encounter to last longer and longer, as I approached the field Krijaler said in my mind clever girl you were her secret love but now you are linked she knew that to lay with you would give her dragon rider power after I breathed on you but as Hrush and Gandrilla added to your power she is of use to us now, I was hurt and Krijaler felt it he said don't hold it against her she only saw that she could have you and what she wanted most of her youth, no I said she should have talked to me, your hurt boy don't let it harden you now head to the field you fight tomorrow Hrush will train with Lana tonight and you with Gandrilla we need her and we need you, my boy, more than you know to save humankind our only hope is our rider ability the arrows with poison give us an edge but if your mastery of Gandrilla controlling him is something my kind can not predict, I arrived at the field to see the challenges at each end of the yellow lines looking around I saw Davilla staring at me his hate was evident only three more fights then the winners of the first ten would fight, today a smaller dragon named Irijilla was to fight a Drake named Villius his colours were different to any of the mostly golden-coloured others he was blue a mix of light and dark blue I asked Gandrilla if the smaller Irijilla was female he blew a raspberry saying we are hermaphrodite and only change to breed its hard to explain to a mortal as magic has a part I said so why do you call big dragons Drakes, it's been translated into that over centuries, the horns started the fight to my surprise the smallest dragon flue at speed straight at the big blue Villius he looked up as he climbed only to have Irijilla grab his throat with claws wile using the back claws to rip into his guts then push off climbing above, Villius screeched trying to get to Irijilla but blood was flowing down his body and dropping to the ground Irijilla keept climbing looking down on Villius then flame covered Villius his hate made him try harder to get to Irijilla but the small dragon started to turn until Villius was below then dropped wings in Irijilla's hind claws punched the wings of Villius so hard I herd the snap of bones Villius was so high the fall had to kill him like a rock he hit the side of the mountain were sharp edges stuck up Irijilla landed waddled over to see if Villius lived I felt his life was over, that night I didn't see Lana or Hrush, Gandrilla said clear your mind Trist it was the first time he spoke to me with feeling you must be at peace because we fight a dragon named Rajeshilla not the biggest dragon but he looks competent, we had a good flight until Krijaler said to us the ship is in the bows and arrows are at the warehouse I've sent a servant to the field with gold go and get them, a dragon with a rider was something never seen on the dock but we landed about one in the morning the ship had unloaded and told me where our boxes were I gave the gold to the captain explained the need and asked him to put a guard on the broken door I was about to make when the warehouse security ran up with a skin of ale the captain said your lucky you got here mate open the door I have payment in gold for the Krijaler boxes the security man said he couldn't only a fire was the key for Gandrilla flamed the sky I said now the warehouse, the boxes were found and I retrieved the contents four bows four quivers and some other items I had the extras box sent that night with promise of more gold on urgent delivery the captain said he would have two of his men deliver it for the same amount as we had him hold for the warehouse owner, on our flight back I strung a bow the pull wasn't hard no harder than the one we used but when I shot the first target the power was evident the shaft sank over half it's length into the layers of leather used Gandrilla was so happy he asked if he could do a roll I said yes but over the target I put that shot in the side of the target but I got it, we were ready before midday Gandrilla sat at the end closest to the mountain entrance I saw as I walked out that our opponent was equal height to Gandrilla but his eyes were blue his golden skin had black spots on his neck Rageshilla was moving from foot to foot swaying as I climbed upon Gandrilla the servant buckled me on then gave me the new bow quiver of poison arrows and a skin of water that i tied to my saddle the horns sounded and up we went Rageshilla tried to get behind us as we climbed I used my link to control Gandrilla he was steady and I felt his confidence in me we circled to keep face on but Rageshilla was moving left then right up down tried to climb higher than us but we kept him in site then he dived at us as he came in I rolled Gandrilla around the dive notched an arrow as we passed Rageshilla clawed Gandrilla on his neck but he didn't react from above I shot behind me into the wing joint of Rageshilla the screech was loud but he still tried to climb after us as we leveled out I put a shaft into his chest it went deep Rageshilla dropped spinning in a way that told me he was dead his body went over the side of the mountain, we landed to silence on the ground Davilla looked up and screeched his hate, the meal that night had Davie Grey eye and a host of other people but no Lana I asked Krijaler why he said she was working with the new bows and both of us needed to say away from each other until this was settled not happy I excepted it, the next fight was hard fought two hours of fighting tooth to claw both dragons were cut badly but the small Drake blinded his opponent with a spray of venom and ripped his neck open the fall killed him the winner Dayjiler was not in a good way when he landed, I knew the fighting from now would be harder,

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