Breath received

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Chapter two
I was led to the great hall in the mountains of Eldswere three dragons sat in a row Krijaler the oldest Dragon in the middle lowered his head as I approached, stand! before me my breath for we must bring your mind to purpose faster than normal this disaster has changed the field so I must have you linked to myself then Hrush and Gandrilla, both dragons moved to my sides making me feel so small Hrush said breath normally don't be afraid as he exhaled covering me in a sulphurous mist then Krajaler followed by Gandrilla exhaled over me! No fear no pain but my head was spinning as I sat up in an empty Hall, that night in the room given to me by a servant of the mountain I lay back with knowledge of centuries in my mind how could I know this how could it be, a voice said in my mind in time you will know but please don't ask too much to fast for our ways are not yours, I sat up saying Krajaler is that you a snort then think it boy we are linked was loud in my mind, sorry I said Krajaler you need to understand it's a lot to absorb overnight, about four in the morning I was woken by Hrush in my head saying up boy to the field now but put your new uniform on first the attendant will apply the gel hurry, the field was cleaned clearly a lot of work had been done two yellow stripes had been painted in a line across the field, at one end was Hrush in a harness of a hide I'd never seen before a saddle between his wings, come boy time is important, I looked at him using my mind I said it's too dark, boy dragons fly at night put your goggle on I lifted the eye mask up seeing the Oval glass or crystal face plate as the servant fit it to my head I noticed that I could see as well as day, hurry boy I climbed up carefully then the servant clipped straps to me I saw him adjust my stirrups then Hrush said in mind talk hold to the ranes and I will gide you, he just leapt into the air and his mighty wings pulled us higher then higher I looked down expecting to be afraid but some higher power in my mind made me won't it need it, to fly! Hrush said a lot of this will come naturally to you through the breath but we need you to learn as my controller because you should be at this time the only dragon rider but the challengers will be training lesser mortals your advantage is your years with us here in the mountains it will have allowed you to absorb breath a lot of breath, as you are a trusted servant of Krajaler you have in his breath the knowledge of his brother who almost destroyed humankind, I will be as a horse in your hands so no dragon can predict my movements this and only this gives us an advantage Krajaler knew this technique was the key to his brother winning two of his last battles until he got angry and took control himself allowing a poisoned spear to gain his heart, I asked, if I controlled you couldn't you just take back control,  we are three he said minds linked that is why it will work only the Holt in our mountain has human servants at this time because after the fall of Dragon Lord Jurdrilla only we opened our door to humans but talk now is of the challengers finding human riders no Dragon would willingly give up his control so young human you are our spear among swords, for two days I trained on both Hrush and Gandrilla finding both to have different flying abilities Hrush could climb at speed were Gandrilla could turn at lightning speed with some tricks he told me of, I tried using them in my control to some sucksess but only time could fix it, the feast before the start of the challenges was at the training ground as dragons could communicate with mind talk over vast distance the places were set randomly cattle dear and other animal carcasses turned on spits set with one spike pointing up between fire pits that only wourmed the carcass the two spits for human guests were away from the main area I was told because some of the challengers would kill humans without a thought, all was going well with the ten challengers until the fight schedule was announced a big Drake suddenly sent a burst of flame into the air, it was the Drake I saw fly over us in the Forrest, I was translating to the human tables as this happened and for some reason that's when I saw Lana wasn't there Davie said are we in danger Trist? no I said he only wants to be the Lord now as he's the biggest Drake here he thinks he should be challenged as we don't have a Lord now, it's been decided he fights first for his mountain, we got a copy of the schedule and found we had two more nights we could train, the fighting was in the afternoons over however long it took as some fighting might go into the night, I got to bed at sunrise only to be called by Krajaler to attend the first duel at midday, the rows of chairs at the entrance to the mountain so we could run back and close the iron doors if needed didn't make for a good feeling but as the two dragons stepped up to the end of the yellow lines I saw two men step out with trumpets the strange sound made was the start of madness both dragons took to the air the slower of the two sprayed Fire at the higher beast but it dived through the flame grappling with its attacker both fell to the earth with a thud screams and growling was heard until one beast shot up shooting flame down as the other dragon burst from the scrub with a broken wing flame engulfing it for a while, then the beast rose slowly above the injured dragon and dropped with claws extended the screech when it hit was a death sound because the beast lifted its head with blood and gore dripping from its fangs to bellow at the crowd of dragons watching, Davie got up to leave I raced over to ask about Lana but Grey eye stepped in my way saying not now lad Davie will see you tomorrow I tried to ask him but he walked away, that nights training went well with Gandrilla he said he could almost trust me to control him without the help of the other dragons, I froze wow has that been happening all along because trust must work both ways what if one of them gets scared that could kill us both no you need to exept me or I won't feel safe to do things that could save us, he said we are discussing it now without you in the connection because Krajaler doesn't wont to put to much on your mind, tell him to let me decide that, voices hit me until I could place them and it wasn't as bad as I thought, over the next day it became easy but to sleep I begged them to shut me out, the next fight was the big Drake Hashdrlla and a lean looking Drake of his hight but not waight, Hrush said by mind he favoured the lean Irajada from the ice mountains, when the horns sounded Hashdrilla ran Ford gaining hight to catch Irajada in his climb but the speed of the ice beast was to fast for him as he past under with a twist of speed Irajada turned dropped and slashed his hind claws across the wings of Hashdrilla who screeched and dropped about fourty feet he turned looking death at his ice cold opponent only to see him charging at him with damaged wings he couldn't get in position fast enough as the hind claws ripped into his belly, his only reply was to grapple and bite as his life slipped away both fell the fifty feet to the side of the training ground I saw Irajada rise in pain but his only observed injury was a flap of skin hanging from his neck, I could feel the big Drake was dead and the hate around me, when I turned back to look for Davie his party were gone Hrush said in my head somethings wrong in the mountan a horn was sounded from the pines Krajaler said go we must stay with the dragons I feel the tooth is in danger, my flight though the mountain was a catch up I found dead servant after dead guard a blood trail then as I came out onto the path to the pines found Frindol the axe amongst five bodies of armoured soldiers but the mix of armour told me mercenaries, I ran on to see Davie and Grey eye fighting six more of the barsards one saw me and turned his blade covered in blood his stance told me he could use his blade so I did my fent that's not a fent he fell hard for it as he looked at my blade in his neck if he looked after his chainmail better it might have helped but my next man was harder to kill we clashed long enough for me to turn him close to Grey eye who stabbed my man as I stabbed his but Davie was down his two attackers about to gut him when Grey eye dived across his body as his sword drove into the gut of the closest man my dagger hit the second man as I took on the two backing away in surprise an arrow from the pines took one as Grey eye came to me, he said help Lana she is after the black barstard he then killed the last soldier and ran to Davie, as I ran I said in my mind the tooth must be leaving the grounds of the pines Lana is chasing it I'm going after them, in the yard of the pines soldiers were still fighting but I could see the pines was winning so I ran on and out the main gate to see Lana and five or six of her crew ridding after four soldiers one in black with a crest on his helmet that looked like a ponytail it hung to his middle, a group of horses were tied to the bridge supports so I took two and raced after Lana and her quorry, Gandrilla said you must get the tooth back or humans will be destroyed in revenge or a rogue dragon will start a war, I came up with Lana's crew as her two horse bowmen shot a man from his horse but the Forrest came up with bends and turns so it was a wile until the next man fell that's when the two remaining soldiers turned with shields raised to let the black rider get away as I was at the back of Lana's crew and they engaged I saw my chance to race by with my spare horse luckely as I turned the corner in the road I saw the black cut into the scrub ahead my spare horse had a bow so I jumped to it and let my horse go hopping it would mark the spot if Lana was quick, in the scrub I saw the path made by lots of horses I took the bow out and strung it from the bed role I took the quiver and set an arrow ahead I could see glimpses of the ponytail helmet as it moved forward I took aim but saw a man looking at me he raised a bow so my arrow took him but a second bowman killed my horse I jumped off ran forward notching an arrow to the sound of angry words ahead I saw the black and a soldier with a spear he ran for me until my arrow found his eye socket, the black dismounted pulling his sword as I saw a Bowman run out to my side I shot him then turned to face the black he had a shield a small round one that was of a kind I hadn't seen before my first arrow bounced off it so I cheated and shot him in the shin he crouched as I dropped the bow and walked up to him it was a hard fight until he fell  at my feet an arrow in his chest Lana and a bowman ran over to roll him over the bowman died with a blade across his throat Lana was pulled down and held with the bloody knife at her throat you are the death of me stranger may I know your name so I can haunt you after I rid myself of this tool of mine who retrieved the tooth with my help.

          A  dragon's breath to my heart Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu