Chapter 15 Say Yes?

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After some amazing food from Chili's, I was ready for a nap. I look out the window with heavy eyelids, and see my front porch come into sights. Summer looks back at us and glances at sleeping Malachi, "It seems like everyone is ready for a nap time. Sage and Ash I hope you guys enjoy the rest of your day. Let's hang out again soon!"

I smile, "Of course, I couldn't resist spending time with this cute little fella." 

Ash comes around and opens the door for me, and I take his hand and get out. I wave goodbye and walk up to the door. 

Walking inside Ash collapses on the couch, "I am exhausted." 

I yawn and stretch, "I feel that absolutley. Would you like to watch a movie and talk about a few things?"

Ash sits up and leans back, "Sure. What do you want to talk about?"

I bite my lip and turn the TV on to the Disney movie Lilo and Stitch. Chewing on my lip, I sit close to Ash and look at him. 

He turns toward me, "You okay?"

I nod and look down at his hands, "Yes, I just want to know something."

Ash nods, "Okay what's up?"

I sigh and look up at him, "I loved that kiss, and the feeling I get with you is like crazy. However, I don't want this to be all up in my head and you not feel the same way. I want to make sure that we can become something."

Ash moves forward and tucks my hair behind my ear. I look up into his eyes noticing they are a little more brownish then green today, and his long dark hair is curling out from under his beanie. I turn my head into his hand and close my eyes. 

Ash speaks really softly, "From the minute I walked into this room meeting you. I felt this pull towards you and I was absolutely terrified."

I look up into his eyes trying not to cry, "Really?"

He nods and rubs his thumb across my cheek, "Yes but I felt just as heartbroken as you did and I didn't want to get broken all over again."

I look at him curiously, "Then why did you kiss me?" 

He looks down at my lips and runs his thumb over them, "I remembered what my grandma had told me. She told me that when you find something good for you, you might be absolutely terrified of it at first, but don't run away from it." 

I laugh and a tear falls down my cheek, "Your grandma had some really wise words."

Ash laughs, "Yeah she did. Do you want to go out with me Sage?"

I smile really big, "I would love to."

Ash sighs, "Oh good, I was really scared you were going to say I am to crazy or something."

I giggle and pull him forward, "I promise you are not crazy."

Ash smiles and meets my lips half way. Ash pulls me closer kissing me tenderly, and I lean into him inhaling his woodsy scent. Ash pulled back and drops his head into my neck, and I wrap my arms around him leaning my head against his. 

Ash smiles against my skin and whispers, "You smell like vanilla, did you know that."

I giggle at the way his lips tickle my skin, "No I didn't. Is that a good thing."

Ash replies by kissing my shoulder and he leans back laying down pulling me onto his chest. I lay my head near his heart, and close my eyes being calmed by his heart beat. 

Ash chuckles, "Are you still up for a nap?"

I look up at him, "After eating the most amazing chicken nuggets earlier, I most definitely want a nap."

Ash lays his head back and closes his eyes. I stare up at him memorizing his face and how his hair only curls in certain places. He has a tattoo that travels near his neck and I find myself tracing it. 

Ash takes a deep breath and opens his eyes looking at me, "Having fun?"

I giggle and smile, "Yeah sorry. I just think your tattoo are really cool. How many do you have?"

Ash shrugs, " I have lost track, you will just have to count yourself one day."

I blush and lay my head back down closing my eyes, "Your such a flirt. Do you know that?"

Ash runs his fingers through my hair, "Only for you."

I feel my body falling into sleep, feeling safe in his warmth. Ash kisses my forehead and whispers, "I promise you are safe with me. No one can hurt you."

Then I am thrown into darkness of sleep. 

However, my brain doesn't seem to understand that idea. I know what I am seeing is just a dream but it feels so real. 

Dalton: "You are toxic and selfish. You just used me as a toy to get what you wanted. You didn't think about my feelings."

I feel the tears fall down my face, "No I loved you, I wanted a family and everything yes. However, I wanted it with you."

Dalton shakes his head and leans against the counter, "You just don't seem to understand. I just want someone to get through life with, I don't want a relationship. I want to be proudly single and better myself. I can not make you happy, you can't focus on wanting a life with me. It will never happen."

I fall down to my knees holding my chest struggling to breathe, feeling my heart break over and over again. 

Dalton sighs and throws his hands up, "All I ever do is hurt you over and over again. This is why I can't be near you."  

I am only able to mutter out a sob, "I'm sorry." 

Dalton shakes his head and walks out the door. I fell onto my hands screaming and crying, wishing I wasn't here anymore.

I jump up crying and shaking, and Ash startles looking at me worried. My head falls forward and I can't even speak I just cry. 

"Shhh, you are safe. I got you," Ash wraps his arms around me pulling me against him. I put my head into his shoulder and sob releasing everything I have been holding inside. 

I cry out from  all the pain, all the brokenness, and the fear. I cling to Ash digging my nails into his sides, "I can't do that again. I can't sit there and give my all to someone who just walks away saying it was just an attachment."

Ash sits me up to look at him, and holds my head in his hands. His eyes search mine, "I will never walk away from you. I want to make sure you get everything you deserve. We are stuck in this together. I will not give up on you, your dreams are my dreams."

Tears start falling down my face again, "You promise?"

Ash nods and kisses me softly, and wipes away the tears. I put my head into his chest taking deep breaths letting him calm me down. I feel for once someone is keeping me safe instead of me always having to protect everyone. I let down my guard and just relax into Ash. 

Ash kisses my forehead and rubs my back, "I am not going anywhere I promise. I am right here."

I let out a breathe I didn't realize I was holding. My body felt relaxed, it felt safe. I can only hope that it stays feeling like this. At that thought, Ash kisses my nose and I feel my eyes drift shut. This time I am whisked off to sleep, with no dreams but peace. 

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