Chapter 11 Movies and Conversations

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Tryston pulls up infront of the parking lot, "Well I hope you guys have a good night. If you guys need anything Trish and I will be at the bar." 

Ash hands Tryston some money, "This is for paying for my food without me knowing." 

Tryston rolls his eyes, but takes the money anyways. Trish turns back and looks at me, "I hope you have a good night Sage. If you need me, text me."

I smile at her and give her a small hug, "I will thank you guys so much for the night out and for paying for my meal."

Ash and I get out of the back of the truck and head up to the front door. I put in the code and open the door and turn on the living room light. I walk over to the counter and put my purse down and look over at Ash who shuts the front door. 

I look over at my fridge and frown,"I am sorry but I don't have much movie food for movie night." 

Ash laughs and pulls out his phone, "That's what grocery delivery is for."

I sit on the couch next to him, "I agree with you doing that as long as you can order some twizzlers."

Ash looks at me a bit weirdly and then adds it to the list. I cross my arms and smile, "No judging my snack foods."

Ash places the order and looks up from his phone, "It will be delivered in 30 minutes. I promise I am not judging your snack food."

I giggle and grab the remote to the tv, "What movie should we pick out?"

Ash leans back against the couch cushin with his hands in his pockets, "You pick it. I will watch whatever movie you want."

I pull up the TV and scroll through some movie options. I tap my chin, "What to pick to not scare you away."

Ash rolls his eyes and I laugh. I scroll through the movie options and that's when I see the perfect one. Ash reads the title out loud when I press play, "Ten Thing's I Hate About You. I have never seen this movie before."

I look at him with really wide eyes, "Oh my gosh. I love this movie, and I am sorry but I am an emotional person so I will cry."

Ash smiles, "I can handle that." 

I grab a blanket from the side of the couch and put the feet of my side of the couch up. Ash gets up and turns the lights off, "You aren't scared of the dark right?"

I laugh and tuck my feet into the blanket since I am always cold, "Nope, I love watching horror movies in the dark."

Ash smiles at my comment and sits back down and puts his feet up as well. We both tune in to the start of the movie. Ash looks at me, "No wonder you like this movie. You would be just like her sitting in a car playing rock music."

I laugh and blush, "Unfortunately that was me in high school."

We both laugh and watch the movie. I glance sideways and take a peak at Ash. He has dirty green eyes, and somewhat long brown hair. I look over at his rose tattoo on his arm and wonder why he got it, I remind myself to ask him that later. 

I see him glance over and I look back at the TV hoping he didn't notice. I hear him shift on the couch and see him leaning back with his arms folded behind his back. I smirk a bit, "You better not fall asleep during this movie."

Ash rolls his eyes, "I promise I won't fall asleep. However, I do have to ask were you just staring at me?"

I blush and look away at the movie, "No I wasn't. I was looking at something on the floor. I do want to ask about the rose tattoo."

Ash pulls up his sleeve and holds out his arm, "This one?"

I look at him and nod biting on my lip. He sit's up and looks at it rotating his arm back and forth. He sighs, "I got this tattoo in honor of my grandma. A lot of people don't understand why a guy would want a rose. However, I wanted it because my grandma raised me since my mom died early on. My grandma died a couple years ago so I went and got this in her honor."

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