Chapter 2 | AC/DC vs BTS

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"Yeah sure, Babygirl." Tony said "You can get whatever you want."

"Yay!" Rey cheered going over to Jay and Skyrah. As Rye left the three men to talk Steve sent a glare at Tony.

"What?" he asked innocently.

"You're spoiling her." Steve said.

"That's my job, Cap." Tony said. "Deal with it."

"If I'd have a daughter as kind and beautiful as Little Rey I'd probably give her everything she wanted too." Thor defended Tony. Tony gave Steve a victorious look causing the blonde to roll his eyes

Rey kneeled in front of Skyrah as she cupped the little girl's cheek who smiled at the touch. Rey'd hand travelled over to the little girl's shoulder and gently shook it. "Daddy..." the little girl mumbled. Rey was shocked that she spoke she knew that it was after HYDRA she lost her hearing when an experiment went wrong but she did not expect the little girl to speak.

Rey shook her ever so slightly the little girl yawned as she took her head off Jay's lap and sat up. ❝We are here.❞ Rey signed.

Where?❞ Skyrah signed.

Home.❞ Rey signed.

"Home?" Skyrah asked with her voice and Rey nodded while the Avengers looked at the little girl shocked. Tey were not expecting her to get comfortable to start talking so soon 

Go with him.❞ Rey signed before pointing at Jay. Skyrah looked at Jay before nodding, Jay picked her up and left as Clint was taken out by DR Cho and her fellow workers with Natasha following them.

Maria walked over to the jet "Lab's all set up, boss." she said as she walked him.

"Uh, actually, he's the boss." Tony said pointing at Steve as his chair turned "I just.. pay for everything, and design everything and make everyone look cooler." Rey chuckled shaking her head causing Tony to send her a wink.

"What's the word on Strucker?" Steve asked Hill.

"NATO's got him."

"The two enhanced?" Rey asked walking out with her dad and the agent.

"Wanda and Pietro Maximoff." Hill said handing Steve a tablet.

"It's actually, Wanda and Pietro Maximoffovi." Rey corrected pronouncing it the right way. She received weird looks from Steve and Hill "People feel offended if you don't pronounce their name correctly. I know I do." Rey said.

"They're twins." Hill said "Orphaned at ten when a shell collapsed their apartment building. Sokovia's had a rough history. It's nowhere special but it's on the way to everywhere special."

"Their abilities?" Steve asked as they walked to the elevator. He scrolled through their information from the political protests to their collapsed apartment building.

"He's got increased metabolism and improved thermal homeostasis. Her thing is neural electric interfacing, telekinesis, mental manipulation." Hill said. Rey nodded Steve gave them a confused look.

"Speak English." Rey said saying out loud what Steve was thinking.

"He's fast and she's weird." Hill said.

"Well, they're going to show up again." Steve said handing the tablet back to Hill as the elevator dinged opening up.

"Agreed. File says they volunteered for Strucker's experiments. It's nuts." Hill said as Steve and Rey walked into the elevator.

"Right. What kind of monster would let a German scientist experiment on them to protect their country?" Steve said sarcastically with a face void of emotions. Taking ofence to Maria's comment as it was what he had done back in the 40s

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